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Bug#678445: ITP: dunst -- minimalistic notification daemon

Michael Stapelberg <michael+db20090501@stapelberg.de> writes:
>  Dunst is a minimalistic notification daemon for Linux. It's designed to
>  fit nicely into minimalistic windowmanagers like dwm, but it should
>  work on any Linux desktop.

I think you should elaborate on what "minimal" means. Does it try to
implement the specification or just make most common applications work?


I looked at the code and it seems to support only the "body" capability.

It does not support "body-markup" but still contains stuff like

    str = string_replace("&quot;", "\"", str);
    str = string_replace("&apos;", "'", str);
    str = string_replace("&amp;", "&", str);
    str = string_replace("&lt;", "<", str);
    str = string_replace("&gt;", ">", str);

    str = string_replace("\n", " ", str);
    /* remove tags */
    str = string_replace("<b>", "", str);
    str = string_replace("</b>", "", str);
    str = string_replace("<br>", " ", str);
    str = string_replace("<br/>", " ", str);
    str = string_replace("<br />", " ", str);
    str = string_replace("<i>", "", str);
    str = string_replace("</i>", "", str);
    str = string_replace("<u>", "", str);
    str = string_replace("</u>", "", str);
    str = string_replace("</a>", "", str);

    start = strstr(str, "<a href");

Are there applications that send markup even when server is not
advertising that it supports "body-markup"? If yes, it would be good to
file bugs against those instead of trying to workaround them like
this. The specification does say "must be stripped clientside." so it
seems really wrong to strip it server-side.

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