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Bug#614517: Info received (Bug#614517: Packaging of libgit2

Bálint Réczey <balint@balintreczey.hu> writes:

> Why does the absence of 1.0 version prevent the upload to unstable?
> There has been many 0.xx releases and the package can be blocked from
> migration to testing if it is really not ready for being released as
> part of Debian.
> I would like to upload a package depending on libgit2, thus i would
> like to see libgit2
> in unstable. :-)

I don't know too much about blocking things from testing but I believe
this is not recommended practice.  The problem is that the API is
changing in backwards incompatible ways with every version change.  So
the reason it's in experimental is because it is a more appropriate
place for a package that is undergoing these kinds of changes.  You will
still able to access the package from the experimental repository and
any packages that depend will probably need to be uploaded to
experimental.  I would also recommend adding a dependency on the
specific version i.e. 0.16 because there are already symbol renames in
master that will break compatibility.

> Could you please ship static library in libgit2-dev?
> I used the attached slightly modified debian patch for generating it.
Great Scott a patch, that's fantastic, I'll look into adding this and
pushing it back upstream to the authors (if you haven't already done
this).  I'll have to check with my mentor regarding doing another

> Do you plan resurrecting the package repository at GitHub?
Sorry for removing that without putting a forwarding url, I have a guest
account on Alioth and I have uploaded it there, but I can't see it with
gitweb so I'll have to investigate further.  In the meantime there is a
mirror on my adhoc personal hosting [1].


1. http://git.russellsim.org/?p=packages/libgit2.git;a=summary

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