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Bug#472802: limesurvey maintenance


a customer of us is interested in having proper limesurvey packages in
Debian, so I spent some effort on the collab-maint repo last month.
Sorry for the massive Cc list, but I wasn't really sure who is going
to be Maintainer/Uploader. I will be able to spend some time on the
package and do uploads, but I won't be the primary Maintainer. So if
someone needs sponsoring, please ask me.

I haven't really looked closer, but the embedded libraries look like
they should (could?) be removed, so I'd propose to go for an
experimental upload until this has been resolved (or deemed

Re: Paul van Tilburg 2011-12-05 <[🔎] 20111205145932.GB26667@salyut.spacelabs.nl>
> Thirdly, PostgreSQL-support.  There, I encountered a few issues that may
> well be due to dbconfig.  So, the setup script
> /usr/share/limesurvey/admin/install.done/cmd_install.php fails.  It
> cannot connect to the database create.
> I think it is because common.php, included by the setup script tries to
> connect to the database, while this doesn't exist yet.  When I go via:
>   $ sudo -u postgres psql
>   postgres=# CREATE DATABASE limesurvey;
> The script suddenly works!

I noticed similar problems, I eventually managed to get it running,
but didn't try to debug the scripts. (We have a running database and
just need updated packages so this is not a problem here.)

> After this, I can reach the site, i.e. /limesurvey/admin.php, but am
> not able to login with admin/password.  However, this seems to be an
> already reported issue: http://bugs.limesurvey.org/view.php?id=5586 .
> I'll just have to wait for reactions.  Or is anyone else here using
> it succesfully with PostgreSQL.

Same here in my local tests.

cb@df7cb.de | http://www.df7cb.de/

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