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Bug#485553: new version, almost complete

I have uploaded a new package to the same repo. It unfortunately has the
same version number, as I am still completing the package, but from here
on I'll be incrementing the Debian release numbers for new fixes.

This new upload fixes a lot of things:

 * SSL support should work (not tested)
 * the ban.db and related tools work
 * sqlite is not statically linked anymore
 * there is an init script and sandbox user
 * a proper sample config is included
 * a watchfile is setup

The end result here is that this thing actually works. I was able to
make it work on my wheezy box here, so I'm pretty happy with it. The
remaining lintian warnings are the following:

P: charybdis source: source-contains-hg-tags-file .hgtags
P: charybdis source: unversioned-copyright-format-uri http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep5
W: charybdis: package-name-doesnt-match-sonames libratbox
E: charybdis: binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath usr/lib/charybdis/bandb /usr/lib
P: charybdis: no-upstream-changelog
E: charybdis: non-empty-dependency_libs-in-la-file usr/lib/libratbox.la
W: charybdis: shlib-without-versioned-soname usr/lib/libratbox.so libratbox.so

Which we could translate as 3 main issues:

 1. -rpath
 2. libratbox isn't versionned
 3. libratbox is shipped with a .la file

Items #1 and #3 are things that are on the upstream TODO, so patches
would be welcome. Unfortunately, just removing the -rpath doesn't quite

Also, the fact that ./configure files are shipped with the source make
such modifications difficult.

Nevertheless, I would think that this is uploadable, at least to
experimental. In fact, I have uploaded the debian branch in this
repository for review:


Feedback and testing appreciated.


Rock journalism is people who can't write interviewing people who can't
talk for people who can't read.
                        - Frank Zappa

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