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 Even if physics change caused by library upgrade independently from
program upgrade would sometimes be unwanted, there should be option to
use bullet from debian packet. Those programs that cannot afford to
risk physics upgrade without balancing everything in program itself
would be no way forced to use that packet, but they could still use
their own internal bullet copy. Another, though IMO much worse, option
would be to provide several bullet packets, one of each supported
bullet version and one metapacket that would depend on current default
version packet.

 I've done some bullet dependent packages myself, and for that goal I
had to package also bullet myself ( http://build.cazfi.net/deb/ ).
There's also packages in getdeb, and as earlier comments mentioned
some work has been done in Debian version control. So there's several
independent packaging implementations of bullet already. It should be
quite easy to just cleanup official packaging from these.

 - ML

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