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Bug#585687: ITA: nautilus-clamscan


Thank you for your interest. I haven't been spending time on it recently, but if/when new bugs/feature requests show, i would probably still work on them. I hope it's enough to answer your question.

Cl�nt Lorteau

On Aug 18, 2011, at 1:49 PM, Ludwin Alduvi Hern�ez V�uez wrote:

I am interested in adopting the package, I just like to know if youwill continue to develop the application, so I maintain that it can be.
best regards.

  ,           , 
 /             \  |Ludwin Alduvi Hern�ez|
((__-^^-,-^^-__)) |gpg pub | 43326A60     |
 `-_---' `---_-'  |www.linuxoriente.edu.sv|
  `--|o` 'o|--'   |debian | GNU/linux     |
     \  `  / 
      ): :( 

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