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Bug#538067: RFS: opencpn

[several issues mentioned in yesterday's summary have now been
fixed upstream, more on that soon]

Paul wrote:
> > What is the license for src/bitmaps/paypal_donate.xpm?

> -> TODO
> I don't know, but we need to find out as a priority.

I've no answer, but I notice that `apt-file search paypal` turns
up a handful of other debian packages in the same boat, for good
or bad.

If it is deemed to be copyright/trademark problematic, there
should be no trouble going the iceweasel custom graphic route,
although "Donate now via a company we can't name" doesn't have
the same ring to it. (even if it does bring up memories of Joe's
Garage :)

what's the license attached to the debian graphics for iceweasel?


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