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Bug#603175: pd-osc (was Re: Bug#603175: reorganize upstream first)

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hi martin,

in the process of getting numerous pd-libraries into debian (and thus
ubuntu and other debian derivatives), we stumbled upon a small issue in
your set of objects.

as things are right now, there are no "upstream releases" of your
libraries; in SVN they are organized (as you are well aware) into a
mrpeach/ folder with various task-specific sub-folders.
historically, Pd-extended used the mrpeach/ folder as an organizational
unit. (install everything you created into a flat extra/mrpeach/ folder)

however, since your libraries don't have anything in common apart from
you as the author, i would prefer to package them into separate
packages, according to the tasks they are associated with (at least
those where there i a notion of 'library' as is the case with your net-,
osc-, cmos- objects, so people can install "pd-osc" if they need OSC
communication (and don't need your net/ implementation, as they intend
to send OSC over serial/slip).

the rough idea is to have packages for
- - OSC
- - net
- - cmos
- - midifile
- - binfile
- - slip
- - str
- - oscillators
- - tabletools
- - which

the debian packages would be named accordingly, with "pd-" prepended (or
"pd-mrpeach-" for generic names like "tabletools" and "oscillators", in
order to distinguish them from other libraries that could claim those
generic names with equal rights)

eventually i'm planning to have a "pd-mrpeach" meta-package that would
depend on all these sub-packages and provide a compatibility layer for
older (pd-extended) patches.

nothing is required from you to actually _do_ (e.g. code-wise), but as
hans has correctly pointed out, it would be good to know your feelings
about all this.


On 2011-06-13 17:26, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
> Tags: upstream
> Since there is no distinct pd-osc upstream, there are no separate
> releases from the upstream author only svn, and the only circulating
> release is the is the 'mrpeach' library included in Pd-extended, I think
> we need to first get this stuff organized upstream before uploading a
> package to Debian.  Have you talked with Martin Peach about it?  I think
> it makes sense to have pd-osc, but I think the upstream author should
> determine how the code is released.  The 'mrpeach' thing could be
> dropped, for example, if Martin wants it that way.
> .hc

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