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Hi Joe,

> Hi, I'm interested in maintaining python-django-djblets. I'm an
> enthusiastic student and developer in the Django community. I'd love to
> be able to contribute as a maintainer.

It's great you would like to contribute.

However, python-django-djblets is tightly coupled with "reviewboard" -
it's not really possible to upgrade one without the other. Thus, it does
not make sense to take over maintainership of djblets without also
taking reviewboard.

As it happens, I am also orphaning Reviewboard if you are interested in
that, but I'm not sure it's particularly suited to a beginner due to the
large amount of Debianisation required.

Hope this is helpful to you.


     : :'  :     Chris Lamb
     `. `'`      lamby@debian.org

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