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Bug#604879: [php-maint] Bug#604879: RFP: phptidy -- Beautifier for PHP code


I didn't try your phptidy, it might be very good, but I just have short
remarks on what I read.

On 11/25/2010 08:50 AM, jidanni@jidanni.org wrote:
> The used coding standard is mainly inspired by the PEAR Coding Standards:
> http://pear.php.net/manual/en/standards.php

Reading this document...

"Use an indent of 4 spaces, with no tabs.This helps to avoid problems
with diffs, patches, SVN history and annotations."

Frankly, that's always the same stupid coding standard inspired from the
Linux kernel (and same with GPL v3 vs v2...). This is really retarded
thinking imposed by the kernel despots, if you ask me. I will never
understand the 4 spaces instead of TAB thing. The excuse of having a
retarded VCS is even more silly. If the VCS is bad, then change the VCS
for something that knows how to handle things! By the way, stuffs like
SVN and CVS should be banished (why not use RCS... ?).

"It is recommended to keep lines at approximately 75-85 characters long
for better code readability."

Yes, right, just in case we are editing some PHP code with a teletype or
a VAX terminals. How about going back to use 8 bits computing as well?
IMHO, it's even more silly to say "approximately 75-85". Either say
"less than 80", either say nothing.

I'm ok with stupidity. I'm not ok with imposing one's stupidity to
others and saying it should be considered god's truth.

All this being said, phptidy should be very useful for very messy
people! :) I currently have no time to do the sponsorship, maybe later
(after Squeeze is out).


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