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Bug#528733: O: svn-buildpackage -- helper programs to maintain Debian packages with Subversion

Just some additional information:

Two month ago I asked on d-devel for help on a rewrite of
svn-buildpackage [1]. This is still a valid idea an can be found as
branch 0.7 in the repository. Since exactly *nobody* contacted me -- not
even with criticism of constructive ideas -- I was tempted to look
around a bit. Right now I'm trying to figure out if vcs-pkg can take
over the packaging job of svn-buildpackage some time. But my offer still
stands: if someone is interested in redesigning svn-bp -- let's see if
we can make it happen.


[1] http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2009/03/msg01134.html

On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 05:09:40AM +0300, Eddy Petrișor wrote:
> It has been about a year and a half* since svn-buildpackage hasn't
> been uploaded, the 0.6.24 is waiting in collab-maint's SVN for an
> upload for quite some time now. I am slowly but surely giving up
> on maintaining packages in SVN and, thus I lack the motivation to
> maintain the package.
> http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/collab-maint/deb-maint/svn-buildpackage/trunk/
> Since there are multiple fixes for it and still people are using it
> and neither I nor Eduard Bloch had the time to maintain it properly
> I have decided is high time for this package to find another dedicated
> maintainer.
> People interested in maintaining it should be aware that there is a
> non-interactive way of running the scripts and these must be kept
> functional and there are several ways the scripts bend to accommodate
> native and non-native packages. There are some patches in the BTS and
> some of the scripts could use some love or maybe a full rewrite once
> the bug count lowers.
> Since the scripts were written in perl, a perl-er is desirable as a
> maintainer (I don't consider myself a perl coder and, as I understood,
> Eduard wrote the scripts in his early perl days, so you might expect
> some code horror).
> I really hope someone will step up fast to take over maintenance,
> since this is an important package for many people.
> *OTOH, there was a stable release with a long freeze during this time
> -- 
> Regards,
> EddyP
> =============================================
> "Imagination is more important than knowledge" A.Einstein

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