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Bug#459325: ITP: clang -- C language family frontend for LLVM

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Sorry for putting the manpages under GPL - old habit, I intended them to
be released under a simple public-domain-equivalent disclaimer instead
of going through the roundabout way of referencing LLVM's custom license
(which is BSD-like but not *the* BSD license).

I have edited the manpages from my packaging and attached them here.
Will this suffice?
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/

.TH CLANG-CC "1" "December 2009" "2.6" "User Commands"
clang-cc \- clang compiler program
clang\-cc [options] <input files>
\fBclang-cc\fR is the compiler program used by \fBclang\fR. In most cases, you
will want to use \fBclang\fR, a frontend with GCC-compatible interface, instead.
\fB\-C\fR                                    \- Enable comment output in \fB\-E\fR mode
\fB\-CC\fR                                   \- Enable comment output in \fB\-E\fR mode, even from macro expansions
\fB\-D=\fR<macro>                            \- Predefine the specified macro
Choose output type:
\fB\-Eonly\fR                              \- Just run preprocessor, no output (for timings)
\fB\-E\fR                                  \- Run preprocessor, emit preprocessed file
\fB\-dump\-raw\-tokens\fR                    \- Lex file in raw mode and dump raw tokens
\fB\-analyze\fR                            \- Run static analysis engine
\fB\-dump\-tokens\fR                        \- Run preprocessor, dump internal rep of tokens
\fB\-parse\-noop\fR                         \- Run parser with noop callbacks (for timings)
\fB\-fsyntax\-only\fR                       \- Run parser and perform semantic analysis
\fB\-parse\-print\-callbacks\fR              \- Run parser and print each callback invoked
\fB\-emit\-html\fR                          \- Output input source as HTML
\fB\-ast\-print\fR                          \- Build ASTs and then pretty\-print them
\fB\-ast\-print\-xml\fR                      \- Build ASTs and then print them in XML format
\fB\-ast\-dump\fR                           \- Build ASTs and then debug dump them
\fB\-ast\-view\fR                           \- Build ASTs and view them with GraphViz
\fB\-print\-decl\-contexts\fR                \- Print DeclContexts and their Decls
\fB\-emit\-pth\fR                           \- Generate pre\-tokenized header file
\fB\-emit\-pch\fR                           \- Generate pre\-compiled header file
\fB\-S\fR                                  \- Emit native assembly code
\fB\-emit\-llvm\fR                          \- Build ASTs then convert to LLVM, emit .ll file
\fB\-emit\-llvm\-bc\fR                       \- Build ASTs then convert to LLVM, emit .bc file
\fB\-emit\-llvm\-only\fR                     \- Build ASTs and convert to LLVM, discarding output
\fB\-rewrite\-test\fR                       \- Rewriter playground
\fB\-rewrite\-objc\fR                       \- Rewrite ObjC into C (code rewriter example)
\fB\-rewrite\-macros\fR                     \- Expand macros without full preprocessing
\fB\-rewrite\-blocks\fR                     \- Rewrite Blocks to C
\fB\-fixit\fR                              \- Apply fix\-it advice to the input source
\fB\-F=\fR<directory>                        \- Add directory to framework include search path
\fB\-I=\fR<directory>                        \- Add directory to include search path
\fB\-MP\fR                                   \- Create phony target for each dependency (other than main file)
\fB\-MT=\fR<string>                          \- Specify target for dependency
\fB\-O=\fR<uint>                             \- Optimization level
\fB\-Os\fR                                   \- Optimize for size
\fB\-P\fR                                    \- Disable linemarker output in \fB\-E\fR mode
\fB\-U=\fR<macro>                            \- Undefine the specified macro
\fB\-W=\fR<string>                           \-
\fB\-Wno\-rewrite\-macros\fR                   \- Silence ObjC rewriting warnings
\fB\-analyze\-function=\fR<string>            \- Run analysis on specific function
\fB\-analyzer\-constraints\fR                 \- Source Code Analysis \- Symbolic Constraint Engines
\-   Use basic constraint tracking
\-   Use constraint tracking of concrete value ranges
\fB\-analyzer\-display\-progress\fR            \- Emit verbose output about the analyzer's progress.
\fB\-analyzer\-eagerly\-assume\fR              \- Eagerly assume the truth/falseness of some symbolic constraints.
\fB\-analyzer\-opt\-analyze\-headers\fR         \- Force the static analyzer to analyze functions defined in header files
\fB\-analyzer\-output\fR                      \- Source Code Analysis \- Output Options
\-   Output analysis results using HTML
\-   Output analysis results using Plists
\-   Output analysis results using HTML wrapped with Plists
\fB\-analyzer\-purge\-dead\fR                  \- Remove dead symbols, bindings, and constraints before processing a statement.
\fB\-analyzer\-store\fR                       \- Source Code Analysis \- Abstract Memory Store Models
\-   Use basic analyzer store
\-   Use region\-based analyzer store
\fB\-analyzer\-viz\-egraph\-graphviz\fR         \- Display exploded graph using GraphViz
\fB\-analyzer\-viz\-egraph\-ubigraph\fR         \- Display exploded graph using Ubigraph
\fB\-asm\-verbose\fR                          \- Add comments to directives.
Source Code Analysis \- Checks and Analyses
\fB\-cfg\-dump\fR                           \- Display Control\-Flow Graphs
\fB\-cfg\-view\fR                           \- View Control\-Flow Graphs using GraphViz
\fB\-dump\-live\-variables\fR                \- Print results of live variable analysis
\fB\-warn\-security\-syntactic\fR            \- Perform quick security checks that require no data flow
\fB\-warn\-dead\-stores\fR                   \- Warn about stores to dead variables
\fB\-warn\-uninit\-values\fR                 \- Warn about uses of uninitialized variables
\fB\-warn\-objc\-methodsigs\fR               \- Warn about Objective\-C method signatures with type incompatibilities
\fB\-warn\-objc\-missing\-dealloc\fR          \- Warn about Objective\-C classes that lack a correct implementation of \fB\-dealloc\fR
\fB\-warn\-objc\-unused\-ivars\fR             \- Warn about private ivars that are never used
\fB\-checker\-cfref\fR                      \- Run the [Core] Foundation reference count checker
\fB\-code\-model\fR                           \- Choose code model
\-   Target default code model
\-   Small code model
\-   Kernel code model
\-   Medium code model
\-   Large code model
\fB\-cppfname=\fR<function name>             \- Specify the name of the generated function
\fB\-cppfor=\fR<string>                      \- Specify the name of the thing to generate
\fB\-cppgen\fR                               \- Choose what kind of output to generate
\-   Generate a complete program
\-   Generate a module definition
\-   Generate contents of a module
\-   Generate a function definition
\-   Generate all function definitions
\-   Generate an inline function
\-   Generate a variable definition
\-   Generate a type definition
\fB\-cxx\-inheritance\-view=\fR<class name>    \- View C++ inheritance for a specified class
\fB\-dD\fR                                   \- Print macro definitions in \fB\-E\fR mode in addition to normal output
\fB\-dM\fR                                   \- Print macro definitions in \fB\-E\fR mode instead of normal output
\fB\-dependency\-file=\fR<string>             \- Filename (or \-) to write dependency output to
\fB\-disable\-excess\-fp\-precision\fR          \- Disable optimizations that may increase FP precision
\fB\-disable\-fp\-elim\fR                      \- Disable frame pointer elimination optimization
\fB\-disable\-free\fR                         \- Disable freeing of memory on exit
\fB\-disable\-llvm\-optzns\fR                  \- Don't run LLVM optimization passes
\fB\-disable\-post\-RA\-scheduler\fR            \- Disable scheduling after register allocation
\fB\-disable\-red\-zone\fR                     \- Do not emit code that uses the red zone.
\fB\-disable\-spill\-fusing\fR                 \- Disable fusing of spill code into instructions
\fB\-dump\-build\-information=\fR<filename>    \- output a dump of some build information to a file
\fB\-empty\-input\-only\fR                     \- Force running on an empty input file
\fB\-enable\-correct\-eh\-support\fR            \- Make the \fB\-lowerinvoke\fR pass insert expensive, but correct, EH code
\fB\-enable\-eh\fR                            \- Emit DWARF exception handling (default if target supports)
\fB\-enable\-finite\-only\-fp\-math\fR           \- Enable optimizations that assumes non\- NaNs / +\-Infs
\fB\-enable\-fp\-mad\fR                        \- Enable less precise MAD instructions to be generated
\fB\-enable\-load\-pre\fR                      \-
\fB\-enable\-sjlj\-eh\fR                       \- Emit SJLJ exception handling (default if target supports)
\fB\-enable\-unsafe\-fp\-math\fR                \- Enable optimizations that may decrease FP precision
\fB\-faccess\-control\fR                      \- Enable C++ access control
\fB\-faltivec\fR                             \- Enable AltiVec vector initializer syntax
\fB\-fblocks\fR                              \- enable the 'blocks' language feature
\fB\-fbuiltin\fR                             \- Disable implicit builtin knowledge of functions
\fB\-fdiagnostics\-print\-source\-range\-info\fR \- Print source range spans in numeric form
\fB\-fdiagnostics\-show\-option\fR             \- Print diagnostic name with mappable diagnostics
\fB\-fdollars\-in\-identifiers\fR              \- Allow '$' in identifiers
\fB\-femit\-all\-decls\fR                      \- Emit all declarations, even if unused
\fB\-fexceptions\fR                          \- Enable support for exception handling
\fB\-ffreestanding\fR                        \- Assert that the compilation takes place in a freestanding environment
\fB\-fgnu\-runtime\fR                         \- Generate output compatible with the standard GNU Objective\-C runtime
\fB\-fixit\-at=\fR<source\-location>           \- Perform Fix\-It modifications at the given source location
\fB\-float\-abi\fR                            \- Choose float ABI type
\-   Target default float ABI type
\-   Soft float ABI (implied by \fB\-soft\-float\fR)
\-   Hard float ABI (uses FP registers)
\fB\-fmath\-errno\fR                          \- Require math functions to respect errno
\fB\-fmessage\-length=\fR<N>                  \- Format message diagnostics so that they fit within N columns or fewer, when possible.
\fB\-fms\-extensions\fR                       \- Accept some non\-standard constructs used in Microsoft header files
\fB\-fnext\-runtime\fR                        \- Generate output compatible with the NeXT runtime
\fB\-fno\-caret\-diagnostics\fR                \- Do not include source line and caret with diagnostics
\fB\-fno\-color\-diagnostics\fR                \- Don't use colors when showing diagnostics (automatically turned off if output is not a terminal).
\fB\-fno\-common\fR                           \- Compile common globals like normal definitions
\fB\-fno\-diagnostics\-fixit\-info\fR           \- Do not include fixit information in diagnostics
\fB\-fno\-lax\-vector\-conversions\fR           \- Disallow implicit conversions between vectors with a different number of elements or different element types
\fB\-fno\-operator\-names\fR                   \- Do not treat C++ operator name keywords as synonyms for operators
\fB\-fno\-show\-column\fR                      \- Do not include column number on diagnostics
\fB\-fno\-show\-source\-location\fR             \- Do not include source location information with diagnostics
\fB\-fobjc\-gc\fR                             \- Enable Objective\-C garbage collection
\fB\-fobjc\-gc\-only\fR                        \- Use GC exclusively for Objective\-C related memory management
\fB\-fobjc\-nonfragile\-abi\fR                 \- enable objective\-c's nonfragile abi
\fB\-fobjc\-sender\-dependent\-dispatch\fR      \- Enable sender\-dependent dispatch forObjective\-C messages
\fB\-fpascal\-strings\fR                      \- Recognize and construct Pascal\-style string literals
\fB\-frtti\fR                                \- Enable generation of rtti information
\fB\-fsigned\-char\fR                         \- Force char to be a signed/unsigned type
\fB\-ftemplate\-depth=\fR<uint>               \- Maximum depth of recursive template instantiation
\fB\-ftime\-report\fR                         \- Print the amount of time each phase of compilation takes
\fB\-ftrapv\fR                               \- Trap on integer overflow
\fB\-fvisibility\fR                          \- Set the default symbol visibility:
\-   Use default symbol visibility
\-   Use hidden symbol visibility
\-   Use protected symbol visibility
\fB\-fwritable\-strings\fR                    \- Store string literals as writable data
\fB\-g\fR                                    \- Generate source level debug information
\fB\-help\fR                                 \- Display available options (\fB\-\-help\-hidden\fR for more)
\fB\-html\-diags=\fR<HTML directory>          \- Generate HTML to report diagnostics
\fB\-idirafter=\fR<directory>                \- Add directory to AFTER include search path
\fB\-imacros=\fR<file>                       \- Include macros from file before parsing
\fB\-include=\fR<file>                       \- Include file before parsing
\fB\-include\-pch=\fR<file>                   \- Include precompiled header file
\fB\-include\-pth=\fR<file>                   \- Include file before parsing
\fB\-iprefix=\fR<prefix>                     \- Set the \fB\-iwithprefix\fR/\-iwithprefixbefore prefix
\fB\-iquote=\fR<directory>                   \- Add directory to QUOTE include search path
\fB\-isysroot=\fR<dir>                       \- Set the system root directory (usually /)
\fB\-isystem=\fR<directory>                  \- Add directory to SYSTEM include search path
\fB\-iwithprefix=\fR<dir>                    \- Set directory to SYSTEM include search path with prefix
\fB\-iwithprefixbefore=\fR<dir>              \- Set directory to include search path with prefix
\fB\-join\-liveintervals\fR                   \- Coalesce copies (default=true)
\fB\-limit\-float\-precision=\fR<uint>         \- Generate low\-precision inline sequences for some float libcalls
\fB\-load=\fR<pluginfilename>                \- Load the specified plugin
\fB\-main\-file\-name=\fR<string>              \- Main file name to use for debug info
\fB\-mcpu=\fR<string>                        \- Target a specific cpu type (\fB\-mcpu\fR=\fIhelp\fR for details)
\fB\-miphoneos\-version\-min=\fR<string>       \- Specify target iPhone OS version (e.g. 2.0)
\fB\-mmacosx\-version\-min=\fR<string>         \- Specify target Mac OS X version (e.g. 10.5)
\fB\-no\-implicit\-float\fR                    \- Don't generate implicit floating point instructions (x86\-only)
\fB\-nostdinc\fR                             \- Disable standard #include directories
\fB\-nozero\-initialized\-in\-bss\fR            \- Don't place zero\-initialized symbols into bss section
\fB\-o=\fR<path>                             \- Specify output file
\fB\-pedantic\fR                             \-
\fB\-pedantic\-errors\fR                      \-
\fB\-pic\-level=\fR<uint>                     \- Value for __PIC__
\fB\-pre\-RA\-sched\fR                         \- Instruction schedulers available (before register allocation):
\-   Fast suboptimal list scheduling
\-   Top\-down list scheduler
\-   Top\-down register reduction list scheduling
\-   Bottom\-up register reduction list scheduling
\-   Best scheduler for the target
\fB\-print\-ivar\-layout\fR                    \- Enable Objective\-C Ivar layout bitmap print trace
\fB\-print\-machineinstrs\fR                  \- Print generated machine code
\fB\-print\-stats\fR                          \- Print performance metrics and statistics
\fB\-realign\-stack\fR                        \- Realign stack if needed
\fB\-regalloc\fR                             \- Register allocator to use: (default = linearscan)
\-   linear scan register allocator
\-   local register allocator
\fB\-relocatable\-pch\fR                      \- Whether to build a relocatable precompiled header
\fB\-relocation\-model\fR                     \- Choose relocation model
\-   Target default relocation model
\-   Non\-relocatable code
\-   Fully relocatable, position independent code
\-   Relocatable external references, non\-relocatable code
\fB\-rewriter\fR                             \- Rewriter to use: (default: local)
\-   local rewriter
\-   trivial rewriter
\fB\-schedule\-livein\-copies\fR               \- Schedule copies of livein registers
\fB\-schedule\-spills\fR                      \- Schedule spill code
\fB\-shrink\-wrap\fR                          \- Shrink wrap callee\-saved register spills/restores
\fB\-soft\-float\fR                           \- Generate software floating point library calls
\fB\-stack\-alignment=\fR<uint>               \- Override default stack alignment
\fB\-stack\-protector=\fR<int>                \- Enable stack protectors
\fB\-stack\-protector\-buffer\-size=\fR<uint>   \- Lower bound for a buffer to be considered for stack protection
\fB\-static\-define\fR                        \- Should __STATIC__ be defined
\fB\-stats\fR                                \- Enable statistics output from program
\fB\-std\fR                                  \- Language standard to compile for
\-   ISO C 1990
\-   ISO C 1990
\-   ISO C 1990
\-   ISO C 1990 with amendment 1
\-   ISO C 1999
\-   ISO C 1999
\-   ISO C 1999
\-   ISO C 1999
\-   ISO C 1990 with GNU extensions
\-   ISO C 1999 with GNU extensions (default for C)
\-   ISO C 1999 with GNU extensions
\-   ISO C++ 1998 with amendments
\-   ISO C++ 1998 with amendments and GNU extensions (default for C++)
\-   Upcoming ISO C++ 200x with amendments
\-   Upcoming ISO C++ 200x with amendments and GNU extensions
\fB\-sys\-header\-deps\fR                      \- Include system headers in dependency output
\fB\-tailcallopt\fR                          \- Turn on tail call optimization.
\fB\-target\-feature=\fR<string>              \- Target specific attributes
\fB\-time\-passes\fR                          \- Time each pass, printing elapsed time for each on exit
\fB\-token\-cache=\fR<path>                   \- Use specified token cache file
\fB\-trigraphs\fR                            \- Process trigraph sequences
\fB\-trim\-egraph\fR                          \- Only show error\-related paths in the analysis graph
\fB\-triple=\fR<string>                      \- Specify target triple (e.g. i686\-apple\-darwin9)
\fB\-unwind\-tables\fR                        \- Generate unwinding tables for all functions
\fB\-v\fR                                    \- Enable verbose output
\fB\-verify\fR                               \- Verify emitted diagnostics and warnings
\fB\-verify\-dom\-info\fR                      \- Verify dominator info (time consuming)
\fB\-version\fR                              \- Display the version of this program
\fB\-w\fR                                    \-
\fB\-x\fR                                    \- Base language to compile
\-   C
\-   OpenCL C
\-   C++
\-   Objective C
\-   Objective C++
\-   Preprocessed C
\-   Preprocessed asm
\-   Preprocessed C++
\-   Preprocessed Objective C
\-   Preprocessed Objective C++
\-   C header
\-   Objective\-C header
\-   C++ header
\-   Objective\-C++ header
\fB\-x86\-asm\-syntax\fR                       \- Choose style of code to emit from X86 backend:
\-   Emit AT&T\-style assembly
\-   Emit Intel\-style assembly

Clang currently does not have  support, and this manual page is incomplete.
To report bugs, please visit <http://llvm.org/bugs/>.  Most bug reports should
include preprocessed source files (use the \fB-E\fR option) and the full output of 
the compiler, along with information to reproduce.
\fBclang\fR (1)
Clang is maintained by the Clang/LLVM Team (<http://clang.llvm.org>).
This manual page was written by Maia Kozheva <sikon@ubuntu.com> for the Debian system (but may be used by others). The author of this manual page grants any entity the right to use it for any purpose, without any conditions, unless such conditions are required by law.
.TH CLANG-WPA "1" "December 2009" "2.6" "User Commands"
clang-wpa \- low-level utility for clang
clang\-wpa [options] <input AST files>
You will not want to run this utility directly. It is used by \fBclang\fR(1).
\fB\-debug\fR \- Enable debug output
\fB\-debug-only=<debug string>\fR \- Enable a specific type of debug output
\fB\-help\fR    \- Display available options (\fB\-\-help\-hidden\fR for more)
\fB\-version\fR \- Display the version of this program
Clang currently does not have  support, and this manual page is incomplete.
To report bugs, please visit <http://llvm.org/bugs/>.  Most bug reports should
include preprocessed source files (use the \fB-E\fR option) and the full output of 
the compiler, along with information to reproduce.
Clang is maintained by the Clang/LLVM Team (<http://clang.llvm.org>).
This manual page was written by Maia Kozheva <sikon@ubuntu.com> for the Debian system (but may be used by others). The author of this manual page grants any entity the right to use it for any purpose, without any conditions, unless such conditions are required by law.
.TH INDEX-TEST "1" "December 2009" "2.6" "User Commands"
index\-test \- indexing test bed for clang
index\-test [options] <input AST files>
You will not want to run this utility directly. It is used by \fBclang\fR(1).
\fB\-disable\-free\fR               \- Disable freeing of memory on exit
\fB\-help\fR                       \- Display available options (\fB\-\-help\-hidden\fR for more)
\fB\-point\-at=\fR<source\-location> \- Point at the given source location of the first AST file
\fB\-version\fR                    \- Display the version of this program
Choose action to perform on the pointed\-at AST node:
\fB\-print\-refs\fR               \- Print references
\fB\-print\-defs\fR               \- Print definitions
\fB\-print\-decls\fR              \- Print declarations
Clang currently does not have  support, and this manual page is incomplete.
To report bugs, please visit <http://llvm.org/bugs/>.  Most bug reports should
include preprocessed source files (use the \fB-E\fR option) and the full output of 
the compiler, along with information to reproduce.
Clang is maintained by the Clang/LLVM Team (<http://clang.llvm.org>).
This manual page was written by Maia Kozheva <sikon@ubuntu.com> for the Debian system (but may be used by others). The author of this manual page grants any entity the right to use it for any purpose, without any conditions, unless such conditions are required by law.

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