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Sorry about the late reply, I've been traveling till this evening and am 
still a little busy till the end of the week.

On Monday 09 November 2009, Onkar Shinde wrote:
> I am interested in testing this in Debian. My laptop has wireless card
> based on 4306 chipset. Please let me know when you have a package
> ready for testing.

The packages (b43-asm and openfwwf) are basically ready since february and 
have just waited for a compatible kernel (>=2.6.31) to enter Debian/ 
unstable, because the proposed (kernel-) backports have been ignored by 
the kernel team so far.

Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.berlios.de/fullstory/b43-asm/trunk
Vcs-Browser: http://svn.berlios.de/wsvn/fullstory/b43-asm/trunk

Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.berlios.de/fullstory/openfwwf/trunk
Vcs-Browser: http://svn.berlios.de/wsvn/fullstory/openfwwf/trunk/

I've been successfully using them with BCM4306 and BCM4318 (and have 
positive feedback for BCM4311) since kernel 2.6.28 (with the required

What's left to do, in order to upload them to Debian proper (I hope I can 
find a little time next weekend to do the final cosmetics and talk with 
the potential sponsor):
- add get-orig-source to b43-asm, to fetch sources from upstream git 
  (there are no release tarballs, nor "ever" will according to upstream)
- either add a boilerplate README.source to explain quilt usage or moving 
  to source version "3.0 (quilt)", given that I really hate those useless 
  README.source boilerplates just for standard quilt (or dpatch) usage, 
  I'd personally tend to v3.0 - but this depends on the preferences of the 
  potential sponsor of coourse.
- adding lintian overrides where needed <-- neither upstream has any 
  intention to drop an upstream changelog in a standard location
- bump standards version to 3.8.3 for b43-asm, no (further) changes 

OpenFWWF isn't perfect, the hardware coverage is severely limited and there
are known bugs (under investigation upstream)[1], furthermore the source, 
even though being the genuine preferred form of modification is basically 
read-only, without learning the bcm-v4 specifications by heart and serious 
efforts to understand the state-machine and having access to good signal 
analyzers and wlan testing equipment - but it still just works for rev 5 
core b43 cards, including ap support and noisy environments.

> Cheers,
> Onkar

	Stefan Lippers-Hollmann

[1]	http://www.ing.unibs.it/openfwwf/
[2]	http://bcm-v4.sipsolutions.net/

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