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Bug#507436: (very) Preliminary packaging for jalview


  I've started packaging efforts on jalview; there they are:

Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-java/trunk/jalview
Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/viewsvn/pkg-java/trunk/jalview

  The package builds and runs fine, but I'm still shipping binary jars
given in the upstream tarball. Work is in progress to remove them and
replace them. The game is really simple:

  * pick one jar in the BINARY_JARS variable of debian/rules
  * find if it is package for debian -- or package it !
  * remove it from the BINARY_JARS variable
  * add it to the DEB_JARS variable (unless it builds without this)
  * add it as dep and build-dep
  * in debian/wrappers/jalview, remove the jalview- prefix
  * check it builds and works fine...



Vincent Fourmond, Debian Developer

 A `%' at the end of the format argument causes undefined behaviour
 since there is no following character. In some locales, it may
 hide your door keys, while in others it may remove the final page
 from the novel you are reading.

Vincent, listening to Ride Across the River (Dire Straits)

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