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Bug#471408: jabberd14 packages

Hello all,

I have been working on the jabberd14 packages, the would-be substitute
for the jabber(-dev) packages, for a while.  However, I have lost
interest in it for various reasons.  That is why I have decided to offer
them publicly, so maybe someone can continue my efforts.  The packages
are not quite finished yet.  Things that still need to be done IMO:
* I had plans to create a jabberd14-mysql and jabberd14-pgsql package too.
* Also, I wanted to have a general setup where the c2s, s2s and jsm
  components are running separately which is much more convenient. 
* Lastly there is no transition path from jabber to jabberd14 implemented
Despite this things still not present in the pacakges, I must say that
this Jabber server works well, don't get me wrong!  The source package
and an amd64 binary package are available at:

I started to rename jabber to jabberd14 to avoid confusion,
but it seems it is going to be renamed again... so maybe the rename
should be undone for now.

Kind regards.

PhD Student @ Eindhoven                     | email: paulvt@debian.org
University of Technology, The Netherlands   | JID: paul@luon.net
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