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Bug#404033: debian : eclipse-plugin-subclipse works on etch

Hi mates,

For your information I successfully tested subclipse under debian etch
 with sun-java6-jre  due to this bug which is blocking other JVM :
 (etch current version sun-java5-jre may also work, I havent tested) ...

I built a package on the work done at :

fell free to contact me if you plan to reuse it I'll update it soon,
 or let me do the ITP by renaming this bug to RFP

I am also mailing the "ubuntu packager"
 to know what are his plans regarding debian

As said, I can help to do the whole process to get it uploaded
 into debian AND ubuntu archives


 # mailto:rzr[a]users.sf.net -- gpg:0x467094BC
 # http://rzr.online.fr/contribs.htm -- Libre Software Addict
 # xmpp:rzr[a]jabber.fr -- sip:rzr[a]ekiga.net

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