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Bug#456640: munin comaintaince

Hi all!

Tore Anderson wrote:
glad there's finally some interest in taking over the package from me.
I think there's at least a year since I've had any free time and
motivation to work on Debian packaging, so it's about high time somebody
takes care of it again...

Matthias Schmitz was the first one to contact me about taking over the
package, and he's been actively following up on that by taking on lots
of outstanding work on the 1.2.x branch.  My colleague Stig Sandbeck
Mathisen has also been trying to work his way through the huge backlog
of bug reports (sorry about those).  I am under the impression that
their work will likely result in a new upstream release (1.2.6) as well
as new Debian packages.
This looks like my plan :-) - merge all the candidate changesets from
1.3 and then look which debian bugs still unfixed. (And if there is time
left after this - bring a 1.3 deb in experimental.)

So I intend to give the package to Matthias, and leave it up to him to
decide how he wants to arrange the maintanership, that is, if he wants
co-maintainers, if he still wants to keep the code in the upstream SVN
repo, and so on.  So you should all talk to him.  :-)  I never heard
anything from Jose Carlos Medeiros about taking over the package, by the
Since this is my first maintainership it is a good idea to have some
more experienced co-maintainers. And if linpro has nothing against it i will keep the code in the upstream svn.

best regards,

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