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Bug#456640: munin comaintaince

* Holger Levsen

> Cool. Currently I'm actually mostly interested in bringing 1.2.x in
> (even better) shape, as this is what I use. But then, I'm happy to
> switch to 1.3 if upstream thinks it's ready. (Which I dont believe it
> is, considering it's not even in experimental.)

1.2.6 will be part of 1.2.x.  ;-)

> Is this OFTC or freenode or really another irc network?

Neither, it's just our (Linpro's) stand-alone interal IRC server.  Maybe
it's time to move the channel elsewhere now that Munin isn't really a
Linpro-only project any longer, but that's not up to me to decide.

Tore Anderson

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