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Bug#486860: O: wprint -- Print any charset from web browsers and HtmlDoc


> The package has no open bugs, that's why I've done nothing with it.  I
> guess I should have made sure at least that Standards-version were up to
> date.
> Anyway, I don't know if it's still being used.  Nowadays Iceweasel with
> pango and gtk will print anything.

This and the not acked NMU were the main reasons why I've orphaned it.
If you want to maintain it and keep it in Debian I'll be happy to
sponsor an updated package. Feel free to close the orphaning bug again then.
looks like at least a few people are still using it.

Best regards,


 Bernd Zeimetz                           Debian GNU/Linux Developer
 GPG Fingerprint: 06C8 C9A2 EAAD E37E 5B2C BE93 067A AD04 C93B FF79

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