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Bug#450602: Taking up ITP for sup

retitle 450602 ITP: sup-mail -- console based email client with tagging and fast search
owner 450602 decklin@red-bean.com
block 450604 by 450602

I am interested in packaging sup for Debian. I plan on packaging all the
required libraries for non-gem installation (ITPs to follow)[1]. I currently
have a package that works, but only if the gems are already installed. I
can throw this on git.debian.org if anyone is interested in testing or
helping out.

I have changed the name here to sup-mail, but might consider sup-mailer.
William, I would appreciate your opinion here ("sup" in Debian is taken
by some unrelated program). The two other packages I use with this problem,
git-core and epiphany-browser, both use a dash (and I am about to ITP
mnemosyne-blog, so there you go). Also, I plan on providing a sup-next
package for experimental, so this would be more consistent.

[1] Nothing wrong with gems per se, they just aren't useful here. Users need
to be able to type "apt-get install sup-mail" and that requires using our
system, just like how we don't use CPAN or eggs. Perhaps when I'm done with
this I'll have something that makes it easier to make a .deb out of a gem.

things change.

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