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Bug#479031: pnp4nagios / nagios-pnp


Hendrik Frenzel wrote:
> Hi Sven,
> i just stumbled over your ITP for nagios-pnp and want to ask how is the
> state of tha package. Do you need help developing or testing it?

I should be in a good shape - I think I'll put the package online on my
web server and put the debian/ direcotry in pkg-nagios.alioth.debian.org
SVN today.

> Another question, why do you call this package "nagios-pnp" not
> "pnp4nagios" as it states on the upstream page?

The first name of it was "PNP" - but there was no domain and sf.net
project name available. So Jörg called the project and domain
"pnp4nagios", the logo states "pnp4nagios" but on the documentation web
pages he calls it "PNP". I asked him but didn't get an answer - maybe
he's on holiday.



Leukämie     -> http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leuk%C3%A4mie
Heilung      -> http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knochenmark#Knochenmarkspende
Typisierung  -> http://www.knochenmarkspende.de/html/reg_akb.php
Warum&Fragen -> sven@velt.de

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