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Bug#247337: [Fwd: lives_0.9.8.10-1_powerpc.changes REJECTED]

I still don't understand the necessity to upload Lives in Debian.

Without mjpegtools you can't encode in mpeg2. Same for transcode or
mencoder who doesn't exist in Debian even if you add a note saying
"Lives doesn't work, you need to add this package from this site"

Anyone can add it from wherever he wants, or take a Debian package
and rebuild it according their needs. This is a lot easier when you can
just say apt-get source PACKAGE, without having to figure where else it
is (if it's not in an official debian repository).

Besides, someone can just use lives effects, then reencode the movie
into whatever format he wants at the end of all the editing.

> the
first user will certainly don't understand why Lives doesn't work
because this use will certainly never read the README.Debian.

There's no README.Debian.



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