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Bug#464546: prototype and scriptaculous debian packages

Hi Daniel,
I observed that there are several packages using the prototype[0]
and scriptaculous[1] libs; Then I decided to create these packages
to keep a single copy of them in debian repository.

Talking with my friend Gustavo Noronha (kov) <kov@debian.org>,
he proposed creating a javascript-common package that would expose
packages installed in /usr/share/javascript/

I've opened two ITP (#464545, #464546) on Feb 7 and I started
working on them. The packages are in mentors repository: libjs-prototype[2],
libjs-scriptaculous[3], javascript-common[4].

Today, while reading the Debian NEW queue I observed that you've uploaded
prototype and scriptaculous libs.

I have a great interest in maintaning these packages, how can we work together?


[0] http://www.prototypejs.org/
[1] http://script.aculo.us/
[2] http://mentors.debian.net/cgi-bin/maintainer-packages?action=details;package=libjs-prototype
[3] http://mentors.debian.net/cgi-bin/maintainer-packages?action=details;package=libjs-scriptaculous
[4] http://mentors.debian.net/cgi-bin/maintainer-packages?action=details;package=javascript-common

Marcelo Jorge Vieira (metal)
metaldot - http://metaldot.alucinados.com
jabber - metal@jabber-br.org

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