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Bug#465369: GoLearn

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On Tue, Feb 12, 2008 at 09:46:48PM +0000, Enrico Zini wrote:
>On Tue, Feb 12, 2008 at 04:56:14PM +0100, Miriam Ruiz wrote:
>Wow, interesting.

>In the meantime, just because it was easy to do, I changed the engine 
>to allow to customise the main facet used for navigation.  I've also 
>implemented a new commandline option, --go=facet, to try it out. I've 
>committed the changes to svn at 
>Get a list of facets using:
>  grep Facet /var/lib/debtags/vocabulary
>Then decide where you want to go and run:
>  goplay --go=facet
>For example:
>  goplay --go=admin
>  goplay --go=devel
>  goplay --go=office
>  goplay --go=security
>  goplay --go=sound
>  goplay --go=use
>  goplay --go=web
>Of course one can install an extra tag source with tag data to go in any
>other direction.
>Oh, and by the way, THIS IS SO COOL!

Thanks alot!

And the change in the code looks really simple. Maybe C++ isn't that 
dangerous after all... :-)

I have now found and carefully read your debtags paper from that funny 
talk in Finland. And finally I get it: Understand the difference between 
Facets and tags. Phew - that took only 2 1/2 years :-/

I suggest now a different approach that fulfills our needs without 
multiple applications:

  4. Implement an --ftags option similar to that in ept-tags

This way the GoLearn! browser can be had with a desktop file invoking 
the following:

   goplay --facet=field --ftags="use::learning"

I believe it would then also make sense to either use a more generic 
facet than gaming by default or make the --facet option required, and 
rename the tool and the dependent games-thumbnails package. But that is 
just cosmetics.

Already with your change above we can browse educational software with a 
workaround of generating (with autodebtag?) an extra tag source offering 
"use::learning && field::XXX" as "learning::XXX", so we have a facet as 
combined limitor and selector. But with a filter option we need no 

(actually, now I think about it, we could also with current GoPlay! do 
an even bigger workaround of making a tag source with all gaming tagging 
removed and all educational software tagged as gaming, but that is 
really ugly!)

I'll drop this ITP of GoLearn!, and instead just wait for your 
improvement to emerge in an upcoming release of GoPlay!

Thanks again.

  - Jonas

- -- 
Jonas Smedegaard   <jonas@jones.dk>   http://www.jones.dk/~jonas/
IT-guide dr. Jones    <dr@jones.dk>   http://dr.jones.dk/    +45 40843136
Debian GNU/Linux    <js@debian.org>   http://www.debian.org/
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