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Bug#424702: Fwd: Re: Beteckna Font

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Beteckna Font
Date: Wed, 07 Nov 2007 14:51:02 +0100
From: Johan Mattsson <joma6655@student.uu.se>
To: Gürkan Sengün <gurkan@linuks.mine.nu>
References: <4731B213.5060900@linuks.mine.nu>

Hi Gürkan

I am happy to see that you found the font and might be able to do
something good of it. Feel free to do necessary changes and do not
be hesitate to change glyphs that can be improved, many could be
drawn better then I did. Fontforge can be quite annoying to draw
with, you will save yourself some trouble by importing and exporting
glyphs to svg files and edit them with inkscape instead, Non the
less as you mentioned kearning has to be done with fontforge.

Since you already have the skill and knowledge to maintain packages,
can you put the next version on your page? I can put up a link to
your directory listing where the files can be downloaded.

Some things with this package is quite awkward (I accept all the
blame). It would be nice if you cold add a license file and drop the
html document before releasing it and probably several other
technical changes that you know of, I am completely unaware of them.

The condensed version might need more work, I think the stem width
is a little to thin and the innerspace of all glypths should be a
little less on a condensed version. I have no opinions on the exact
proportions, some experimenting might be necessary, not to mention
the huge work to actually edit each glyph. The angle of the oblique
variant as well as the with of the condensed one looks very good to me.

As time permits I would be glad to help and assist you with any
issues that come up. We can collaborate on a cvs/svn repository if
you like to. It is not trivial thou because when changing the shape
of a glyph all other steps such as kearning and hinting and might be
affected, this means that a strict work procedure must be followed
when creating a new version. I think you can overcome this obstacle.

Good work!

Johan Mattsson

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