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Bug#395573: Build-dependencies

For anyone interested in packaging VisIt

  [  raise your hands, one at a time, please!  ;-)  ]

I gave a look at <http://www.llnl.gov/visit/source.html> and
and at <http://www.llnl.gov/visit/1.6.1/BUILD_NOTES>

It seems to me that VisIt has the following mandatory

 * Mesa 5.0       http://packages.debian.org/libgl1-mesa-dev
 * Mesa 6.4.2     http://packages.debian.org/libgl1-mesa-dev
 * Python 2.5     http://packages.debian.org/python
 * Qt X11 3.3.2   http://packages.debian.org/libqt4-dev
 * Qt X11 3.3.8   http://packages.debian.org/libqt4-dev
 * Silo060605     not in Debian?
 * VTK 5.0.0c     http://packages.debian.org/libvtk5-dev

Moreover, it seems to have some optional build-dependencies (libraries
that may be linked or else left out, IIUC):

 * Boxlib 2.5     not in Debian?
 * CFITSIO 3006   http://packages.debian.org/libcfitsio3-dev
 * CGNS 2.4-3     not in Debian?
 * ExodusII 4.46  not in Debian?
 * GDAL 1.3.2     http://packages.debian.org/libgdal1-dev
 * H5Part 1.3.3   not in Debian?
 * HDF4 2.4.1     http://packages.debian.org/libhdf4g-dev
 * HDF5 1.6.5     http://packages.debian.org/libhdf5-{serial|lam|mpich}-dev
 * NetCDF 3.6.0   http://packages.debian.org/netcdfg-dev

I thought I should share these findings...

 Need to read a Debian testing installation walk-through?
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
 GnuPG key fpr == C979 F34B 27CE 5CD8 DC12  31B5 78F4 279B DD6D FCF4

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