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Bug#437681: Acknowledgement (RFP: xcb-util -- Utility libraries for X C Binding)

If it would be of any use to anyone, I've managed to create an initial
debianisation locally.

Find attached a .diff.gz which when applied to the original source at


should recreate the packages I build.

It's not perfect yet - I'm pretty sure the package descriptions and
copyright need fixing up still, and I do the following complaints from
lintian that I've been unable to work out how to fix:

W: xcb-util source: substvar-source-version-is-deprecated libxcb-wm0-dev
... [for each]

W: xcb-util source: dh-make-template-in-source debian/shlibs.local.ex
W: xcb-util source: configure-generated-file-in-source config.log

W: libxcb-wm0-dev: copyright-lists-upstream-authors-with-dh_make-boilerplate
E: libxcb-wm0: no-shlibs-control-file usr/lib/libxcb-wm.so.0.0.0
E: libxcb-wm0: postinst-must-call-ldconfig usr/lib/libxcb-wm.so.0.0.0
W: libxcb-wm0: copyright-lists-upstream-authors-with-dh_make-boilerplate
... [for each]

Paul "LeoNerd" Evans

ICQ# 4135350       |  Registered Linux# 179460

Attachment: xcb-util_0.2-1.diff.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature

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