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Bug#414420: refocus-it: will not package it.


I'm not longer interested in packaging refocus-it for the following reasons:
 - upstream does not react on mails
 - the source contains the MIT license, but most (all?) files contain a
GPL2 header
 - there are comments like 'parts of code take from *someotherplugin*' -
but there is no appropriate copyright mentioned in the file header
 - everything in the source is a bit messy in general, it was left at a
'it works for me' state

The plugin works ok, but it's not in a shape that I would be willing to
take care of it.

If anybody managed to contact the author and would like to work on it,
I'll keep my testing packages.



Bernd Zeimetz
<bernd@bzed.de>                         <http://bzed.de/>

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