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Bug#361253: twill not required

>> Seems you're running zenoss under zope2.9, are you using Five which is
>> delivered with zope2.9 or Five form the zenoss Products?
> I'm using the Five from zope2.9 - the Five in zenoss caused an error,
> googling revealed it to be from the older version shipped with zenoss so I
> just deleted it.
that's great to know. We'll do the same then.

> - The pysnmp used is version pysnmp3 which isn't a stable release and there
> are imports like
> "from pysnmp.compat.pysnmp2x import asn1, v1"
there's python-pysnmp-se in NEW now, which is the speed-enhanced version
of pysmnp v3 (if you want to use that, README.Debian describes how to do
it). It seems to be stable, too. twistedsnmp is in NEW also.
> - What are all the .conf files in $ZENHOME/etc for?
Even more interesting: are the .conf files changed byt zen while it is
running? Then they wouldn't be allowed in /etc.
> - A lot of the commands in bin are control programs for the various
> processes
> zen{xevent,modeler,perfsnmp,perfxmlrpc,process,ping,syslog,status,actions,trap,command}
I think I rewrite that stuff, using one shell script and a number of
links. At least there's only one manpage to write for them, which saves
a lot of work.
> - zensyslog conflicts with the existing sysklogd, how to resolve?
The package will have a
Provides: system-log-daemon, linux-kernel-log-daemon
Conflicts: system-log-daemon, linux-kernel-log-daemon

which should remove sysklogd/... while installing.
> - Maybe recommends: sendpage-server.
I'm still a bit confused, I thought I need the client to send messages -
or is zenoss able to listen for pager messages? Didn't look into that,
but I guess I'll install them and have a look.
> - Grab winexe from samba4 packages, although it doesn't seem to be in
> http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-samba/branches/samba4/?rev=0&sc=0 at all.
winexe is a patch from http://eol.ovh.org/winexe/
Unfortunately it contains one file with a big binary blob. I doubt
that's something we can ship in Debian at all. I don't even know what
that binary stuff in there is for, I guess it's a windows binary. But I
did not look further into that now.

>From the other mail:

> Just FYI, the latest zope2.9 security update broke my zenoss install.

did you figure out why? And what is needed to fix it? If you do, please
let us know.

Thanks a lot,


Bernd Zeimetz
<bernd@bzed.de>                         <http://bzed.de/>

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