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Bug#408258: IPP2P

"Theppitak Karoonboonyanan" <thep@linux.thai.net> hit the keyboard.
Afterwards the following was on the screen:

> How is this going on? I had packaged it as part of my part-time
> job and was wondering whether I should file ITP for it, because I
> haven't used it myself and I don't think I know it well enough to
> maintain it, before someone directed me to this bug.
> If you like to see what I have done, I have put the source at:
>  http://linux.thai.net/~thep/debian/source/ipp2p/
> If you have done it, just ignore this message. Otherwise, could
> you consider taking it for maintenance?

I have packaged it, I am just waiting for a sponsor to upload it - my
usual sponsor has been unresponsive for some weeks (I just assume she
is busy) and noone else seemed positive to sponsor the package yet.

- URL: http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/i/ipp2p
- Source repository: deb-src http://mentors.debian.net/debian unstable main contrib non-free
- dget
- http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/i/ipp2p/ipp2p_0.8.2-1.dsc


-- [ Rasmus "Møffe" Bøg Hansen ] ---------------------------------------
Mommy, mommy! The garbage man is here!
Well, tell him we don't want any!
                       -- Groucho Marx
----------------------------------------------[ moffe at zz9 dot dk ] --

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