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Bug#329631: Debian and toolchain for TI MSP430, time to get one source?

i've been talking to a debian developer about this. there is a fair amount of red tape that packages must meet, and he is looking into it what should be submitted and how.

as of now, i'll be maintaining our current ubuntu packages and trying to come up with a more mature packaging environment.


Markus Becker wrote:

I would love to see this in the official repositories as well. I would
share the debian/* directories of the MSP binutils and the tinyos
packages I have created. Integration with avr toolchain would be nice
as well. But as those were the first deb packages I created, I doubt that
they are mature enough. I guess we would need a more experienced packager
for this.


On Fri, 23 Mar 2007, Oleg Verych wrote:

Hallo. It's nice, that there are deb repositories of msp430 toolchain.
Why not to continue effort and get this stuff in the official debian archive?


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