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Bug#412566: ITP: aes2501-wy -- userspace software for usb aes2501 fingerprint scanner

On Mon, 26 Feb 2007 21:28:28 +0100 Miguel Gea Milvaques wrote:

>  Command line scanning sofware for AES2501B usb fingerprint reader.
> The ouput are gray pnm files with quite good quality.

Please mention Authentec (the vendor) and the places where you
can find this reader (Medion MD85264 USB sensor, HP nx6125 notebook) in
the long description, so the users can find them easily.
And where does the B in AES2501B come from? The device is called
aes2501 by his vendor.

By the way: is there any pam-module which is able to use this scaner?


   ^^^    | Evgeni -SargentD- Golov (sargentd@die-welt.net)
 d(O_o)b  | GPG/PGP-Key-ID: 0xAC15B50C
  >-|-<   | 0C04 F872 0963 ADC9 AA83 882B 24A0 1418 AC15 B50C
   / \    | http://www.die-welt.net - sargentd@jabber.ccc.de

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