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Bug#382381: ITP: libapache-admin-config-perl -- a module to read/write Apache like configuration files


I may be able to sponsor libapache-admin-config-perl.  Here's what I'd
like you to change:

  * debian/changelog: This should close the actual WNPP bug (#382381).

  * debian/control:
    - Shouldn't `debhelper (>= 5)' be enough?
    - Typos in the description:
      s/extract informations/extract information/
      s/migrations scripts/migration script/
      s/few lines/a few lines/
    - The Homepage pseudo-header should be indented by a space
      (see Developer's Reference section 6.2.4).

  * debian/copyright:
    - Please update the FSF postal address.
    - The indenting should not assume a tab equals four spaces.
      It would be best to use spaces everywhere.
    - The /usr/share/common-licenses reference should be unindented,
      to distinguish it from upstream information.
    - s{On Debian GNU/Linux systems}{On Debian systems} (since we're
      working on GNU/Hurd and GNU/kFreeBSD).
    - s{complete text of the GNU General Public License}
       {complete text of the GNU Lesser General Public License}

  * debian/docs: This can be removed; cdbs will automatically install
    README and Changes, the latter as the upstream changelog.

  * debian/watch: Please add a watch file for uscan(1):

      http://search.cpan.org/dist/Apache-Admin-Config/ \

    This makes it easier for me to check whether the package is
    keeping up.



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