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Bug#330525: squashfs debian package

>>>>> "Roland" == Roland Stigge <stigge@antcom.de> writes:

Hi Roland,

    Roland> Yes, I'm still interested, but if you are interested in this
    Roland> package,  too, we can join  and make a team.  As non-DD, you
    Roland> can even be the official maintainer, while I would be in the
    Roland> "Uploaders" list anyway to upload regularly.

    Roland> Is the  person who wanted to sponsor you  in the first place
    Roland>  personally interested  in  the package,  too,  or would  he
    Roland> "just"  sponsor you? In the  former case, maybe  he wants to
    Roland> join the team, too?

As a matter of fact, i'm really  interested in this idea (make a team in
order to work  on this package). The person who wanted  to sponsor me on
this  package at the  beginning isn't  really interested  in it,  then i
would like to know if you could be ready to sponsor me for squashfs.

    Roland> Meanwhile,  feel free  to  already  attach  patches to  any
    Roland> unfixed outstanding bugs. :)

    Roland> If  you already have  a respective package  prepared, please
    Roland> send it and I can handle it...

I  will begin  to work  on this  package as  soon as  i can.   I haven't
already prepared  a package.  I expect begin  to work on it  in the next

It could be possible to discuss the possible organization of the package
development using mails or IRC for instance ? As you like... ;)

Arnaud Fontaine <arnaud@andesi.org> - http://www.andesi.org/ | GPG
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