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Bug#344342: Mail::SPF::Query 1.998

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Hi all,

after 20 months, a final release of Mail::SPF::Query, which was the very 
first SPF implementation, has come up as version 1.998:


Subversion repository:
  http://www.openspf.org/source/mail-spf-query-perl  (browse)
  http://www.openspf.org/svn/mail-spf-query-perl  (access)

1.998 will also soon be uploaded as a Debian package to the Debian archive.

Find the changelog below.

Many thanks to those who contributed to this release, and a great new year 
to everyone!


- ----

Changes for 1.998 since 1.997:
  x = Changed something significant, or removed a feature
  * = Fixed a bug, or made a minor improvement
  + = Added a feature (in a backwards compatible way)

  x Require Perl 5.6 or better.
  x Require URI::Escape module, not URI module.
  x Removed obsolete Caller-ID support (closes Debian bugs #337319,
  x Always use Sys::Hostname::Long. And thus, require Sys::Hostname::Long
    to be installed (closes Debian bugs #332952, #342629).
  * Changed local machine hostname macro from "xr" to "r" (closes
    rt.cpan.org bug #9744).
  x Restrict the number of SPF record lookups to a maximum of 10 (was: 20).
    Thanks to Craig Whitmore!
  * Fixes to mechanisms implementation:
    * a, mx: Check if domain is a valid FQDN, i.e. ends in ".<toplabel>".
    * ip4: Return "unknown" (PermError) if no argument was specified. Also,
      don't auto-complete "1.2.3" CIDR specs to "", as such an
      abbreviated syntax is forbidden by the SPF spec anyway.
    Thanks to Craig Whitmore!
  * Lots of minor code and documentation fixes/improvements.

  + Added complete POD documentation/man-page.
  * Both "--xxx" and "-xxx" forms of command-line options are now
  x Renamed most of the command-line options:
      --path       => --socket
      --pathuser   => --socket-user
      --pathgroup  => --socket-group
      --pathmode   => --socket-perms
      --setuser    => --set-user
      --setgroup   => --set-group
    The old option names are still supported for backwards compatibility.
  * Do not print usage information when neither "--port" nor "--socket" are
    specified (i.e. when the default TCP port would just be used).  Print a
    more specific hint instead.
  * Added "--help" option to print usage information.
  * Some minor code fixes/improvements.

  + Added complete POD documentation/man-page.
  * Exit with code 0 and do not print usage hint on '-v' (was Debian bug
    #237751, has been already resolved in Debian release 1.997-3).
  * Both "--xxx" and "-xxx" forms of command-line options are now
    supported.  Also, a "-x" (short) form is now supported for the most
    important options.
  x Renamed the "--max-lookup" option to "--max-lookup-count" to match the
    Mail::SPF::Query API.  "--max-lookup" is still supported for backwards
  * Added "--mail-from" and "-m" synonyms for the "--sender" option for
    consistency with the "--helo" option.
  * Cleaned up the "--help" usage output.
  * Lots of minor code improvements.

  * Some minor tests improvements.
  * Turned test.pl into .t file in t/ directory, so testing output is
    parsed (closes rt.cpan.org bug #7748).
  * Plan the correct number of tests, not just the number of non-comment
    lines in test data file.

  + Added Debian package control files. This is now also a native Debian

  x Updated URLs everywhere:
      http://spf.pobox.com                        -> http://www.openspf.org
      http://www.anarres.org/projects/srs/        -> http://www.libsrs2.org
                               -> http://srs-socketmap.info/sendmailsrs.htm
  x Point out everywhere the "non-standard"-ness of best guess processing,
    trusted forwarder accreditation checking, and several other features.
  * Cleaned up source package file and directory layout:
      Query.pm     -> lib/Mail/SPF/Query.pm
      Changes      -> CHANGES
      test.*       -> t/
      spf{d,query} -> bin/
      sample/      -> examples/
  + Added META.yml.
  * postfix-policyd-spf:
    * Generate "Received-SPF:" header unless rejecting (fail/Fail) or
      deferring (error/TempError) the message.
    * Verbose mode is disabled by default.
    Thanks to Arjen de Korte!
  x spf.py: Removed, because it was really old, and this is a Perl package,
    not a Python one.
  * Did I mention lots of minor code and documentation fixes/improvements?
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (GNU/Linux)


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