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Bug#334601: I have very interest in vnc2swf

Consta nos registros de rlinux que em Fri, 18 Nov 2005 19:50:54 +0000, 
Steve Kemp <skx@debian.org> escreveu:

> On Fri, Nov 18, 2005 at 05:00:46PM -0200, Rodrigo Tadeu Claro wrote:
> > I have very interest of "pyvnc2swf" package.
>   :)
> > Inclusively, I?ll liked of the to make this package. However, I see what
> > you makes the ITP for vnc2swf (BUG: 334601).
>   Yes that's correct.
> > How much time you needed for terminated this vnc2swf package?
> > The release of the vnc2swf to changed too.
>   I know that there has been a new release, that is one of the reasons
>  I've been slow with packaging it.


>   I guess it would take me a few weeks to have a working package, as
>  there are problems with the software.   The main problem is that lots
>  of the commands have short "generic" names, so they should be moved
>  to places like /usr/lib/pvnc2swf.
>   Do you have any thoughts on how to handle that?  Or even a package
>  available at the moment?
>   If you have more free time than me it might make sense for you to
>  take over the ITP; I'm certainly happy to be a comaintainer if that
>  is what you'd like to do ..
> Steve

Then Steve,

I packed pyvnc2swf for the Debian. But still necessary to finish some small adjustments, such as, to make a manual page in nroff that not have.

I have it much will to keep this package and would like to have you as comaintainer.

Being possible, will be able to send the package for you in some days for your analysis and, perhaps posterior upload of this.That you find?

Sorry, my english is weak.


  .''`.  Rodrigo Tadeu Claro (rlinux)
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