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Bug#304271: Some, yes...

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I've put some packages up at


that improve quite a lot on the current Debian packaging of lighttpd.

I'm not sure whether we the original submitter is still interested in
maintaining lighttpd. Otherwise, I'd like to gather some people to package
lighttpd in a group effort, also because of that fact that I've got quite a lot
of stuff to do right now and thus, lighttpd is not very high on my list.

Things that still need to be done:

* better package descriptions
* better default configuration
  - get the mime-type associations from somewhere else instead of manually 	
    listing them
  - include better default cgi.assign and fcgi.assign	

* handle creation/deletion of www-data user and group, if necessary
* handle log purging
* include a boilerplate HTML page saying "Wow, you successfully managed to type
in 'apt-get install lighttpd', now install lighttpd-doc as well and figure out
what to do with it"
* tweak Recommends: and Suggests:
* find out if there are any advantages if the package is built with libfcgi-dev
* include mod_cml support with LUA and put it into lighttpd-mod-cml
* maybe split lighttpd into even more packages, if needed
* create a dirlisting template that slightly advertises Debian
* check if there is a better build system

I think that lighttpd is not only a good choice for small servers, but also for
desktop users that need a web server for local web applications (like
phpmyadmin) or stuff like dhelp, since it's much less of a memory hog than
running a full apache.



- --
Torsten Marek <shlomme@gmx.net>
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