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Bug#337153: ITP: linsmith -- a Smith charting program, mainly designed for educational use.

On Wed, 2005-11-02 at 18:46 -0300, Margarita Manterola wrote:
>   Description     : a Smith charting program, mainly designed for educational use.
>  linSmith is a Smith Charting program, mainly designed for educational use.
>  As such, there is an emphasis on capabilities that improve the 'showing
>  the effect of'-style of operation.

May I ask what a Smith is? My first thought is someone with the last
name Smith, but that doesn't make sense given the rest of the

Would it be possible to add a short sentence to the first paragraph
explaining exactly what a Smith chart is?

Kind regards

Matt Brown
Mob +64 275 611 544 www.mattb.net.nz

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