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Bug#224163: debian PvPGN

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On Sat, 31 Jan 2004, Dennis L. Clark wrote:

> From what I've read on the site, it seems that support for D2 v1.10
> wasn't added until 1.6.0pre4.  Since that is what interests me most with
> pvpgn right now, it'd be cool if you could apply the pre4 updates to
> your package so I can help test it.

Pre4 only supported "Open Battle.Net" D2 1.10 games (which actually take 
place between players and they use the server just for meeting, chating).

Only starting with 1.6.0pre5 we added support for the d2gs 1.10 version. 
For many of you this all stuff may sound cryptic, the FAQ explains this 
things well: http://pvpgn.ez15loan.com/

> BTW does anyone know of any issues of data-file compatibility between
> different versions of pvpgn?  One of the best things I liked about
> Debian is its robustness with upgrades, so if there are
> incompatibilities, then we should have the maintainer scripts
> automatically upgrade or downgrade any data files as needed.  If data
> file formats are changed frequently, we may want to keep seperate pvpgn
> and pvpgn-devel packages.  If we could have scripts to upgrade bnetd
> data files to pvpgn, that would be even better. 

I can depict this upgrade "problems" into 2 categories:
- - config files
- - data files

Because we started PvPGN on bnetd,  bnetd.conf file have the same names 
and retain the same directives and meanings (I might be wrong that one or two 
directives where renamed or removed but in general Im right). When you 
start PvPGN (and I think even bnetd) it will ignore the unknown directives 
giving a warning about them to stdout. So I could say we should be pretty 
compatible with bnetd bnetd.conf file. There are also other config files, 
one who for sure it wont work from bnetd is the ad.list (the file 
configuring the banners to send to clients) because we extended it by 
adding a new column (mandatory column). I would say people should not 
upgrade using the same config files from bnetd to PvPGN (which also means 
would be nice if bnetd would have config files in /etc/bnetd directory and 
pvpgn in /etc/pvpgn directory). However for someone having already 
configured bnetd it should be very easy to configure PvPGN (changes are 
small as I said).

Changes in config files from one version to another dont happen very 
often, usually they happen because of bad design decision. We have an 
UPDATE file which describes every config file change that happened between 
any 2 consecutive releases, also other changes (like data files if 
necesary). Now that PvPGN will be into Debian I would have to talk about 
this with the other devs too, probalby we will try to offer automatic 
backwards compatibility (as we did until now anyways).

bnetd only supported one type of "storage", that is human readable ASCII 
account files. PvPGN extends this by adding clean internal APIs and 
abstracts the storage ideea and now we support: plain files, cdb files (by 
incorporating the tinycdb project), sql (which has its own mini API for 
sql backends and curently has a mysql and pgsql implementation). More 
details about storage can be found in docs/README.storage.

I think that it should be possible to use bnetd user files with no 
problems with PvPGN's plain files storage type (however, because some new 
account attributes were added in PvPGN, some of them mandatory, it is 
needed that one updates at least the config files and especially the 
default account attribute files from PvPGN).

Of cours like any other operation on data, there should be a backup first. 
Then if a user trying to upgrade from bnetd to PvPGN using the same 
account files gets into trouble he can contact us at anytime and we will 
help (first finding out why doesnt work then make a solution).

Besides bnetd daemon (the main server daemon, we kept the same name in 
PvPGN too), there are 2 other deamons which have their own config files 
and data files, used for Diablo2 setups: d2cs and d2dbs. Each having its 
own main configuration files, d2cs.conf, d2dbs.conf. The files from 
bnetd's d2cs, d2dbs should be directly usable under pvpgn's d2cs, d2dbs 
with the remark that pvpgn has some new options in them and the default 
values might not be what users want.

The data files for d2cs/d2dbs are first the binary ladder files (which are 
not compatible between bnetd and pvpgn but that should be no problem 
because they can be deleted safely and d2dbs will populate them 
incrementally after each player plays), and the character data files. This 
files depend on the clients version because d2cs/d2dbs never try to parse 
them, change them, they just get this data from client sent packets and 
store it on the server to reply with them later when the client asks for 
them. Beeing as such we (the server guys) cannot offer backwords 
compatiblity, they depend on clients version and not server one.

In conclusion:
1. to upgrade from bnetd to PvPGN I would sugest to use clean config 
files, and the user data can be used directly (with proper backup heh)
2. to upgrade from PvPGN to PvPGN I would sugest to look into UPDATE file 
and act acordingly

> Also, I'm curious as to the level of support you are looking to
> providing for SQL-database storage setups.

As explained earlier, we now support SQL for user files and clan storing 
(the storage layer takes care of that). We have in plan for the future 
PvPGN releases to extend the storage API so it can be used by d2cs/d2dbs 
too for storing ladder, Diablo2 character data.

- -- 
Mihai RUSU                                    Email: dizzy@roedu.net
GPG : http://dizzy.roedu.net/dizzy-gpg.txt    WWW: http://dizzy.roedu.net
                       "Linux is obsolete" -- AST
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


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