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Bug#113238: Status on getting mplayer integrated in Debian?

Dear developers and other users,

Is there any word on the subject of getting mplayer integrated into Debian?
It would be a nice addition to the project (and it is a quite popular
package also, if one takes the statistics of freshmeat as a data point).

It would be nice not only to have mplayer integrated into Debian (perhaps
in sarge), but also the plugin that embeds it into mozilla-based browsers
(which, as far as I understand it, is available in sid, but not progressing
since mplayer is not in the repository).

Any feedback on the matter would be welcome.

Thanks in advance, Rogério Brito.

  Rogério Brito - rbrito@ime.usp.br - http://www.ime.usp.br/~rbrito

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