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Bug#278923: O:nagios

>>>>> "martin" == martin f krafft <madduck@debian.org> writes:

    martin> I am considering using nagios in our cluster. Would you
    martin> care to tell me why you stopped using it?

    martin> If I end up using it, I may adopt the package.

Just because I get way to many reports of all kinds of stuff. Temperature
on my disks in my RAID set, failed spare on the RAID set, ftp connection
from this and that site, etc etc...

It takes roughly 10-20 minutes every morning to wade through all reports,
and I just don't care if machine Y don't answer, or that machine X can't
respond to mysql/psql requests!

I'll figure that out eventualy when it breaks (or when friends/customers
call and complain :). 

I just don't have time to care...
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