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Bug#261989: First try: please, comment

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Hi Eduard

Attached is my first try to the gettextization of module-assistant. I
have not tested it as I haven't found the time to translate it and I
don't know how to use it (I haven't bothered, shame on me ;-)).

Any hints or comments are welcome.


Version: GnuPG v1.2.5 (GNU/Linux)

--- module-assistant-0.6.8/module-assistant	2004-05-21 14:41:45.000000000 +0200
+++ module-assistant-0.6.8-new/module-assistant	2004-09-10 15:46:59.000000000 +0200
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 #                              -*- Mode: Perl -*-
 # make-kpkg ---
 # Author           : Eduard Bloch <blade@debian.org>
+# I18N             : Luk Claes <luk.claes@ugent.be>
 # Status           : Useable, new features planed
 # Script to assist users with building of the kernel modules
@@ -27,6 +28,11 @@
 use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case bundling pass_through);
 use File::Basename;
 use Cwd;
+use Locale::TextDomain ('module-assistant');
+use POSIX qw (setlocale);
+use Locale::Messages (LC_MESSAGES);
+setlocale (LC_MESSAGES, "");
 $res = (defined($ENV{"MA_DIR"})) ? $ENV{"MA_DIR"} : "/usr/share/modass";
 $var= (defined($ENV{"MA_VARDIR"})) ? $ENV{"MA_VARDIR"} : "/var/cache/modass";
@@ -35,7 +41,7 @@
 $main::AuthorMail  = "blade\@debian.org";
 $main::Version     = ' $Id:  $ ';
   update-modules update
@@ -178,10 +184,10 @@
       print $tmpfile @_;
       if($wtmode) {
-         system($dialog, "--scrolltext", "--title", "module-assistant, error message", "--textbox", $tmpname, 18, 70);
+         system($dialog, "--scrolltext", "--title", __"module-assistant, error message", "--textbox", $tmpname, 18, 70);
       else {
-         system($dialog, "--aspect", 12, "--title", "module-assistant, error message", "--textbox", $tmpname, 0, 0);
+         system($dialog, "--aspect", 12, "--title", __"module-assistant, error message", "--textbox", $tmpname, 0, 0);
       unlink $tmpname;
@@ -192,8 +198,8 @@
 # User-trimmed paths
 if($opt_userdir) {
-   die "$opt_userdir is not a directory!\n"  if(! -d "$opt_userdir/.");
-   die "$opt_userdir is not writeable!\n"  if(! -w "$opt_userdir/.");
+   die __x ("'{opt_userdir}' is not a directory!\n", opt_userdir => $opt_userdir)  if(! -d "$opt_userdir/.");
+   die __x ("'{opt_userdir}' is not writeable!\n", opt_userdir => $opt_userdir)  if(! -w "$opt_userdir/.");
@@ -203,11 +209,11 @@
    $ENV{"KPKG_DEST_DIR"}=$opt_userdir if(! defined($ENV{"KPKG_DEST_DIR"}));
    if(-x "/usr/bin/sudo") {
-      print "Found sudo, will use it for apt-get and dpkg commands.\n";
+      print __"Found sudo, will use it for apt-get and dpkg commands.\n";
    else {
-      print "Warning: sudo not found. Automatical package installations not possible!\n";
+      print __"Warning: sudo not found. Automatical package installations not possible!\n";
@@ -226,40 +232,40 @@
    my $kvers=$extra_kvers[0];
    if(!(keys %kerneldirs)) {
-      printmsg "
+      printmsg __"
 Bad luck, the kernel headers for this kernel version could not be found
 and you did not specify other kernel headers to use.
       if (length(`apt-cache show kernel-headers-$kvers 2>/dev/null`) ) {
-         printmsg "
+         printmsg __x ("
 However, you can install the header files for your kernel which are provided
-by the kernel-headers-$kvers package. For most modules packages,
+by the kernel-headers-'{kvers}' package. For most modules packages,
 this files are perfectly sufficient without having the original kernel source.
-To install the package, run".($opt_nogui ? "" : " the PREPARE command from the main menu,\nor on the command line").":
+To install the package, run", kvers => $kvers).($opt_nogui ? "" : __" the PREPARE command from the main menu,\nor on the command line").__x (":
 module-assistant prepare
-apt-get install kernel-headers-$kvers
+apt-get install kernel-headers-'{kvers}'
-" ;
+", kvers => $kvers) ;
          exit 255 if($opt_nogui);
          return 0;
       else {
-         printmsg "
+         printmsg __x("
 If the running kernel has been shipped with the Debian distribution,
-please install the package kernel-headers-$kvers. If your kernel
+please install the package kernel-headers-'{kvers}'. If your kernel
 source tree (or headers) is located in some non-usual location, please
 set the KERNELDIRS environment variable to the path of this directory,
 or (alternatively) specify the source directory we build for with the
 --kernel-dir option in module-assistant calls.
+", kvers => $kvers)
          exit 255  if($opt_nogui);
@@ -296,13 +302,13 @@
    my $i;
    if(!$opt_nogui) {
-      open($dpipe, "| $dialog --title \"Updating cached package data\" --gauge \"Reading apt-cache output...\" 7 75 0");
+      open($dpipe, __x ("| '{dialog}' --title \"Updating cached package data\" --gauge \"Reading apt-cache output...\" 7 75 0", dialog => $dialog));
    foreach(@packnames) {
       if($opt_verbose) {
-         print "Updating info about $_\n";
+         print __x ("Updating info about '{_}'\n", _ => $_);
       elsif($opt_nogui) {
          syswrite(STDERR,'.') if(!$opt_quiet);
@@ -314,7 +320,7 @@
       $ret += system("$packs{$_} update");
-   print "\nUpdated infos about $i package".($i ? "s\n":"\n");
+   print __x ("\nUpdated infos about '{i}' package", i => $i).($i ? "s\n":"\n");
    $ret += system ("rm -f $var/*.apt_policy");
@@ -323,7 +329,7 @@
          print STDERR "$source.\n" if $opt_debug;
          print STDERR values(%kerneldirs),"\n\n" if $opt_debug;
    if(defined($source)) {
-      print STDERR "Kernel headers available in $source\n";
+      print STDERR __x ("Kernel headers available in '{source}'\n", source => $source);
       chdir "/usr/src";
       # if source was resolved to linux before, it is okay. If not,
@@ -331,21 +337,21 @@
       # us, move it away by renaming
       if($source ne "/usr/src/linux") {
          rename("/usr/src/linux","/usr/src/linux-OLDVERSION.".time) if(-e "/usr/src/linux" || -l "/usr/src/linux");
-         print STDERR "Creating symlink...\n";
-         symlink((dirname($source) eq "/usr/src") ? basename($source) :  Cwd::abs_path($source) ,"linux") || print STDERR "Couldn't create the /usr/src/linux symlink!\n";
+         print STDERR __"Creating symlink...\n";
+         symlink((dirname($source) eq "/usr/src") ? basename($source) :  Cwd::abs_path($source) ,"linux") || print STDERR __"Couldn't create the /usr/src/linux symlink!\n";
    else {
       withecho "$sudo apt-get install kernel-headers-$my_kvers\n";
       rename("/usr/src/linux","/usr/src/linux-OLDVERSION.".time) if(-e "/usr/src/linux" || -l "/usr/src/linux");
-      symlink("kernel-headers-$my_kvers","linux") || print STDERR "Couldn't create the /usr/src/linux symlink!\n";
+      symlink("kernel-headers-$my_kvers","linux") || print STDERR __"Couldn't create the /usr/src/linux symlink!\n";
    if(`apt-cache policy build-essential` =~ /Installed:..none/) {
-      print STDERR "Installing packages needed for the build environment...\n" if (!opt_quiet);
+      print STDERR __"Installing packages needed for the build environment...\n" if (!opt_quiet);
       withecho "$sudo apt-get install build-essential";
-   print STDERR "\nDone!\n"
+   print STDERR __"\nDone!\n"
 sub complete_name {
@@ -366,10 +372,10 @@
    PROBE: for (@posnames) {
-      print STDERR "PROBE: $_\n" if $opt_debug;
+      print STDERR __x ("PROBE: '{_}'\n", _ => $_) if $opt_debug;
-         print STDERR "GOT NAME: $_\n" if $opt_debug;
+         print STDERR __x ("GOT NAME: '{_}'\n", _ => $_) if $opt_debug;
          return $_;
@@ -401,7 +407,7 @@
-   die "$target, what is $target?\n";
+   die __x ("'{target}', what is '{target}'?\n", target => $target);
 sub get {
@@ -448,8 +454,8 @@
    return if (!have_source_or_break());
    foreach(values %kerneldirs) {
       if( (! $ENV{"KPKG_DEST_DIR"}) && (! -w Cwd::abs_path("$_/..")) ) {
-         printmsg "\$KPKG_DEST_DIR is not set and the target directory\n".
-         Cwd::abs_path("$_/..")." is not writeable for you!\nYour build will probably fail!\n";
+         printmsg __"\$KPKG_DEST_DIR is not set and the target directory\n".
+         Cwd::abs_path("$_/..").__" is not writeable for you!\nYour build will probably fail!\n";
          sleep(5) if($opt_nogui);
@@ -481,13 +487,13 @@
             # there is a candidate
             if($opt_norebuild) {
                # and do _not_ rebuild choosen
-               print "Recently built package $lastdeb found, not rebuilding $pkg\n";
+               print __x ("Recently built package '{lastdeb}' found, not rebuilding '{pkg}'\n", lastdeb => $lastdeb, pkg => $pkg);
                next labKVERS;
             if ($lastdeb eq $newdeb) {
                # target file is absolutely the same
-               print STDERR "Target package file $newdeb already exists, not rebuilding!\n";
-               print "(however, you could use the -f switch to ignore it)\n";
+               print STDERR __x ("Target package file '{newdeb}' already exists, not rebuilding!\n", newdeb => $newdeb);
+               print __"(however, you could use the -f switch to ignore it)\n";
                next labKVERS;
@@ -509,14 +515,14 @@
             open($bpipe, "$cmd 2>&1 |");
-            open($dpipe, "| $dialog --title \"Building $pkg, step $step\" --gauge \"Build starting...\" 15 75 0");
+            open($dpipe, __x ("| '{dialog}' --title \"Building '{pkg}', step '{step}'\" --gauge \"Build starting...\" 15 75 0", dialog => $dialog, pkg => $pkg, step => $step));
             while(<$bpipe>) {
                $pr=sprintf("%.0f", $lfdzeile++ * 100 / $lnumber);
                if($pr> 100) {
                   # eeeeks, overflow, restart dialog
-                  open($dpipe, "| $dialog --title \"Building $pkg, step $step\" --gauge \"$_\" 15 75 0");
+                  open($dpipe, __x ("| '{dialog}' --title \"Building '{pkg}', step '{step}'\" --gauge \"'{_}'\" 15 75 0", dialog => $dialog, pkg => $pkg, step => $step, _ => $_));
@@ -527,7 +533,7 @@
             if(!$?) {
                $deb=`KVERS=$KVERS $packs{$pkg} lastpkg`;
-               print $dpipe "100\nXXX\nDone! Run\\nm-a install $pkg\\nto install.\nXXX\n";
+               print $dpipe __x ("100\nXXX\nDone! Run\\nm-a install '{pkg}'\\nto install.\nXXX\n", pkg => $pkg);
 #               $build_ok{$pkg}
             else {
@@ -539,15 +545,15 @@
                   sleep 1;
                   RES: while($gui_loop) {
-                     open($intro, "$dialog --default-item $defsel --clear --title ".'"module-assistant, interactive mode" --menu "Build of the package '.$pkg.' failed! How do you wish to proceed?\n\n" 14 65 5 VIEW "Examine the build log file" CONTINUE "Skip and continue with the next operation" STOP "Stop processing the build commands" 2>&1 >/dev/tty |');
+                     open($intro, "$dialog --default-item $defsel --clear --title ".__"module-assistant, interactive mode"." --menu ".__x ("Build of the package '{pkg}' failed! How do you wish to proceed?\n\n", pkg => $pkg)." 14 65 5 VIEW ".__"Examine the build log file"." CONTINUE ".__"Skip and continue with the next operation"." STOP ".__"Stop processing the build commands"." 2>&1 >/dev/tty |");
                      @out = <$intro>;
                      $dialog_ret= ($? >> 8);
                      last RES if($dialog_ret);
-                     die "Dialog command not working correctly!\n" if($#out != 0);
+                     die __"Dialog command not working correctly!\n" if($#out != 0);
                      if($defsel eq "VIEW") {
-                        system($dialog, ($wtmode ? "--scrolltext" : "--clear" ), "--title", "module-assistant, log file viewer", "--textbox", $file, 21, 78);
+                        system($dialog, ($wtmode ? "--scrolltext" : "--clear" ), "--title", __"module-assistant, log file viewer", "--textbox", $file, 21, 78);
                      elsif($defsel eq "CONTINUE") {
@@ -558,15 +564,15 @@
-               else { print $dpipe "100\nXXX\nBuild failed! See $file for details!\nXXX\n"; }
+               else { print $dpipe __x ("100\nXXX\nBuild failed! See '{file}' for details!\nXXX\n", file => $file); }
             close $dpipe;
-            print STDERR "Done with $deb .\n" if $deb;
+            print STDERR __x ("Done with '{deb}' .\n", deb => $deb) if $deb;
          else {
             $res = system $cmd;
             if( (!$opt_ignfails) && $res) {
-               print "Build failed. Press Return to continue...\n";
+               print __"Build failed. Press Return to continue...\n";
             $ret += $res;
@@ -588,9 +594,9 @@
             push(@debs, Cwd::abs_path($deb));
          else {
-            printmsg "Package $pkg was not built successfully, see $var/$pkg*buildlog* for details!\n";
+            printmsg __x ("Package '{pkg}' was not built successfully, see '{var}'/'{pkg}'*buildlog* for details!\n", pkg => $pkg, var => $var);
             if ($command ne "auto-install" && $opt_nogui) {
-               print "You maybe want to run \"auto-install\" instead of install.\n";
+               print __"You maybe want to run \"auto-install\" instead of install.\n";
@@ -599,7 +605,7 @@
    withecho "dpkg -i ".join(' ',@debs) if($#debs >= 0);
    if($ret > $ret_save) {
-      print STDERR "\nI: Direct installation failed, trying to post-install the dependencies\n\n";
+      print STDERR __"\nI: Direct installation failed, trying to post-install the dependencies\n\n";
       $ret += withecho "$sudo apt-get -f install";
@@ -623,7 +629,7 @@
 sub list {
-    print "Warning, the cache is empty. You maybe wish to run\nthe command \"module-assistant update\" first!\n" if ("" eq <$var/*>);
+    print __"Warning, the cache is empty. You maybe wish to run\nthe command \"module-assistant update\" first!\n" if ("" eq <$var/*>);
    my $i;
    PKG: foreach (sort @_) {
@@ -637,9 +643,9 @@
       if(!system($packs{$pkg}, "installed") ) {
          my $curpkgvers=`$packs{$pkg} cur_version`; chomp($curpkgvers);
          my $avpkgvers=`$packs{$pkg} avail_version`; chomp($avpkgvers);
-         printwrap "$pkg (source package installed";
+         printwrap __x("'{pkg}' (source package installed", pkg => $pkg);
          if($curpkgvers ne $avpkgvers) {
-            printwrap ", not up-to-date, cur. version: $curpkgvers, available: $avpkgvers";
+            printwrap __x(", not up-to-date, cur. version: '{curpkgvers}', available: '{avpkgvers}'", curpkgvers => $curpkgvers, avpkgvers => $avpkgvers);
          printwrap "):\n";
@@ -647,7 +653,7 @@
          next PKG;
       else { # not installed but try the bins though
-         printwrap "$pkg (source package not installed):\n";
+         printwrap __x ("'{pkg}' (source package not installed):\n", pkg => $pkg);
@@ -679,34 +685,34 @@
                if(`apt-cache show $binpackage`=~/Filename:/) {
-                  $binstring .= "not found, possible candidate(s) installable with apt-get:\n\t";
+                  $binstring .= __"not found, possible candidate(s) installable with apt-get:\n\t";
                else {
-                  printwrap "package not found, but following is already installed:\n\t";
+                  printwrap __"package not found, but following is already installed:\n\t";
                $binstring .= join("\n\t", @precomp);
          else {
-            $binstring .= "not found\n";
+            $binstring .= __"not found\n";
       if(length($binstring)) {
-         printwrap "  -- Binary package(s) for kernel(s):\n$binstring";
-         printwrap (($tellsearch>1 ? "Some packages were not found" : "One package could not be found").". Use the \"search\" command to look in the pool.\n") if($tellsearch && !$opt_quiet);
+         printwrap __x ("  -- Binary package(s) for kernel(s):\n'{binstring}'", binstring => $binstring);
+         printwrap (($tellsearch>1 ? __"Some packages were not found" : __"One package could not be found").__". Use the \"search\" command to look in the pool.\n") if($tellsearch && !$opt_quiet);
-         printwrap "  -- No binary packages found" . (!$opt_search && 
-         " (use the \"search\" command to look in the pool)")."\n" if(!$opt_quiet);
+         printwrap __"  -- No binary packages found" . (!$opt_search && 
+         __" (use the \"search\" command to look in the pool)")."\n" if(!$opt_quiet);
       printwrap "\n";
    if(!$i) {
-      printwrap "No data? You maybe want to run \"module-assistant update\" first.\n" ;
+      printwrap __"No data? You maybe want to run \"module-assistant update\" first.\n" ;
    return $retcode;
@@ -785,10 +791,10 @@
    my $extra=$2;
    my $confile="/boot/config-$kvers";
-   print "Experimental kernel source recreating method...\nGetting source...\n";
+   print __"Experimental kernel source recreating method...\nGetting source...\n";
    return 0 if withecho "apt-get install kernel-source-$knmbr";
    if(! -f $confile) {
-      print "Config not found, getting headers to extract the config...\n";
+      print __"Config not found, getting headers to extract the config...\n";
       return 0 if withecho "apt-get install kernel-headers-$kvers";
@@ -811,7 +817,7 @@
    withecho "cd /usr/src/kernel-source-$kvers ; make include/linux/version.h || make dep";
-   print "\nFaked kernel source for the Kernel $kvers.\nWarning: the configuration may not match the running kernel.\n\n"
+   print __x ("\nFaked kernel source for the Kernel '{kvers}'.\nWarning: the configuration may not match the running kernel.\n\n", kvers => $kvers)
 #   &prepare($kvers);
 #   if ( length(`apt-cache showsrc $kpkg 2>/dev/null`) ) {
@@ -828,7 +834,7 @@
 #   }
 #   else {
-#      die "There is no source package for kernel-image-$my_kvers\n";
+#      die __x ("There is no source package for kernel-image-'{my_kvers}'\n", my_kvers => $my_kvers);
 #   }
@@ -854,10 +860,10 @@
       elsif(-r "$_/Makefile") {
-         printmsg "Warning, $_ seems to contain unconfigured kernel source!";
+         printmsg __x ("Warning, '{_}' seems to contain unconfigured kernel source!", _ => $_);
       else {
-         printmsg "Warning, $1 doesn't have valid source, skipping!";
+         printmsg __x ("Warning, '{1}' doesn't have valid source, skipping!", 1 => $1);
@@ -878,20 +884,20 @@
       elsif(-r "$_/Makefile") {
-         printmsg "Warning, $_ seems to contain unconfigured kernel source!";
+         printmsg __x ("Warning, '{_}' seems to contain unconfigured kernel source!", _ => $_);
 # finaly, go trough @opt_kverslist and push versions with no source to
 # @extra_kvers
 for(@opt_kverslist) {push(@extra_kvers, $_) if(!defined($kerneldirs{$_}))}
-print "valid: ", (keys %kerneldirs), " extra: ", @extra_kvers if($opt_debug);
+print __"valid: ", (keys %kerneldirs), __" extra: ", @extra_kvers if($opt_debug);
 ### MAIN part ###
 if(! (`id -u`=~/^0/) && !$opt_userdir) {
-   printmsg "You are not root and no replacement directory (the -u option) is specified. Unable to continue.";
+   printmsg __"You are not root and no replacement directory (the -u option) is specified. Unable to continue.";
    exit 254;
 if($command eq "list" || $command eq "list-available" || $command eq "la") {
@@ -909,12 +915,12 @@
 elsif($command eq "get") {
    &help if($#ARGV<0);
-   die "No package specifies. STOP.\n" if($#ARGV<0);
+   die __"No package specifies. STOP.\n" if($#ARGV<0);
 elsif($command eq "build") {
    $opt_nogui = 0 if $wtmode; # whiptail's gauge sucks
-   die "No package specifies. STOP.\n" if($#ARGV<0);
+   die __"No package specifies. STOP.\n" if($#ARGV<0);
 elsif($command eq "update") {
@@ -925,27 +931,27 @@
 elsif($command eq "auto-install" || $command eq "ai" || $command eq "a-i") {
-   die "No package specifies. STOP.\n" if($#ARGV<0);
+   die __"No package specifies. STOP.\n" if($#ARGV<0);
 elsif($command eq "auto-build" || $command eq "ab") {
-   die "No package specifies. STOP.\n" if($#ARGV<0);
+   die __"No package specifies. STOP.\n" if($#ARGV<0);
 elsif($command eq "install") {
-   die "No package specifies. STOP.\n" if($#ARGV<0);
+   die __"No package specifies. STOP.\n" if($#ARGV<0);
 elsif($command eq "clean") {
-   die "No package specifies. STOP.\n" if($#ARGV<0);
+   die __"No package specifies. STOP.\n" if($#ARGV<0);
 elsif($command eq "purge") {
-   die "Do you really wish to remove all binary packages?\nIf so, use the --force option.\n" if(!$opt_force);
-   die "No package specifies. STOP.\n" if($#ARGV<0);
+   die __"Do you really wish to remove all binary packages?\nIf so, use the --force option.\n" if(!$opt_force);
+   die __"No package specifies. STOP.\n" if($#ARGV<0);
 elsif($command eq "fakesource") {
@@ -956,23 +962,23 @@
    # bounce with error message if there is no gui, otherwise work with dialog
    &help() if ($opt_nogui || !$dialog);
-   print STDERR "Starting the Dialog UI...\n";
+   print STDERR __"Starting the Dialog UI...\n";
    GUI: while($gui_loop) {
-      open($intro, "$dialog --default-item $defsel --clear --title ".'"module-assistant, interactive mode" --menu "Welcome to the dialog frontend of module-assistant. This user interface provides access to the few commands of this program.\n\nIf you wish to learn more, choose the OVERVIEW option.\n\nIf you wish to look for existing module packages for your needs or wish to compile a new one from source, choose them in the SELECT dialog an continue with possible commands.\n\n" 20 65 5 OVERVIEW "Show all possible command line commands" UPDATE "Update the cached package information" PREPARE "Configure the system to compile modules" "SELECT" "Select the module/source packages to work on" "EXIT" "Exit the program" 2>&1 >/dev/tty |');
+      open($intro, "$dialog --default-item $defsel --clear --title ".__"module-assistant, interactive mode"." --menu "__"Welcome to the dialog frontend of module-assistant. This user interface provides access to the few commands of this program.\n\nIf you wish to learn more, choose the OVERVIEW option.\n\nIf you wish to look for existing module packages for your needs or wish to compile a new one from source, choose them in the SELECT dialog an continue with possible commands.\n\n"." 20 65 5 OVERVIEW ".__"Show all possible command line commands"." UPDATE ".__"Update the cached package information"." PREPARE ".__"Configure the system to compile modules"." SELECT ".__"Select the module/source packages to work on"." EXIT ".__"Exit the program"." 2>&1 >/dev/tty |");
       @out = <$intro>;
       $dialog_ret= ($? >> 8);
       last GUI if($dialog_ret);
-      die "Dialog command not working correctly!\n" if($#out != 0);
+      die __"Dialog command not working correctly!\n" if($#out != 0);
       if($defsel eq "OVERVIEW") {
          open($tmpfile, ">$tmpname");
          print $tmpfile $helpmsg;
-         system($dialog, ($wtmode ? "--scrolltext" : "--clear" ), "--title", "module-assistant, command overview", "--textbox", $tmpname, 21, 78);
+         system($dialog, ($wtmode ? "--scrolltext" : "--clear" ), "--title", __"module-assistant, command overview", "--textbox", $tmpname, 21, 78);
          unlink $tmpname;
       elsif($defsel eq "UPDATE") {
@@ -980,7 +986,7 @@
       elsif($defsel eq "PREPARE") {
-         print STDERR "\n\nPress Return to continue...";
+         print STDERR __"\n\nPress Return to continue...";
       elsif($defsel eq "SELECT") {
@@ -989,7 +995,7 @@
          for(keys %packsel) { $packsel{$_}="off"};
          SELECTION: while(1) {
-            my $tmpstring = $dialog.' --clear --title "module-assistant, package selection" --checklist "\nPlease select the interesting module (source) packages\n\nUse Cursor keys to browse, Space to select and Return to continue.\n\nCancel to return to the main menu." 21 70 10';
+            my $tmpstring = $dialog." --clear --title ".__"module-assistant, package selection"." --checklist ".__"\nPlease select the interesting module (source) packages\n\nUse Cursor keys to browse, Space to select and Return to continue.\n\nCancel to return to the main menu."." 21 70 10";
             for(sort(keys %packsel)) {
                $tmpstring .= " $_ \"".$packsdesc{$_}.'" '.$packsel{$_};
@@ -998,7 +1004,7 @@
             @out = <$select>;
             close $select;
             last SELECTION if($? >> 8);
-#            die "Dialog command not working correctly!\n" if($#out != 0);
+#            die __"Dialog command not working correctly!\n" if($#out != 0);
             @selected=split(/\ /,$selection);
@@ -1006,9 +1012,9 @@
             next SELECTION if($#selected < 0);
             ACTION: while(1) {
-               $tmpstring = $dialog.' --clear --title "module-assistant, interactive mode" --menu "You have selected the following packages:\n\n'
+               $tmpstring = $dialog." --clear --title ".__"module-assistant, interactive mode"." --menu ".__"You have selected the following packages:\n\n"
                .join(', ', @selected)
-               .'\n\nChoose one of the following commands to proceed or Cancel to return to the selection menu.\n\n" 18 65 6 LIST "List installed (binary) packages" SEARCH "List and search with apt-cache" GET "Get or update the source package" "BUILD" "Compiles module packages for the current kernel" INSTALL "Installs the packages for the current kernel" BACK "Returns to the module selection" 2>&1 >/dev/tty |';
+               .__"\n\nChoose one of the following commands to proceed or Cancel to return to the selection menu.\n\n"." 18 65 6 LIST ".__"List installed (binary) packages"" SEARCH ".__"List and search with apt-cache"." GET ".__"Get or update the source package"." BUILD ".__"Compiles module packages for the current kernel"." INSTALL ".__"Installs the packages for the current kernel"." BACK ".__"Returns to the module selection"." 2>&1 >/dev/tty |";
                open($select, $tmpstring);
                @out = <$select>;
                close $select;
@@ -1023,7 +1029,7 @@
                   open($tmpfile, ">$tmpname");
                   print $tmpfile $printbuf;
-                  system($dialog, "--title", "module-assistant, present packages", "--textbox", $tmpname, 21, 78);
+                  system($dialog, "--title", __"module-assistant, present packages", "--textbox", $tmpname, 21, 78);
                   unlink $tmpname;
                   undef $opt_search;
@@ -1035,14 +1041,14 @@
                   my $instatus;
                   my $retold=$ret;
                   for(@selected) {$instatus += system($packs{complete_name($_)}." installed") };
-                  if($instatus && !system($dialog, "--title", "module-assistant, source installation", "--yesno", "Some source packages seem not to be installed. Would you like to install or upgrade selected source packages now?", 7, 60)) {
+                  if($instatus && !system($dialog, "--title", __"module-assistant, source installation", "--yesno", __"Some source packages seem not to be installed. Would you like to install or upgrade selected source packages now?", 7, 60)) {
                   if($ret > $retold) {
-                     printmsg "The build was not successful! See /var/cache/modass/*buildlog* for more details.";
+                     printmsg __"The build was not successful! See /var/cache/modass/*buildlog* for more details.";
-                  elsif(!system($dialog, "--title", "module-assistant, package installation", "--yesno", "Would you like to install the created module package(s) now?", 7, 60)) {
+                  elsif(!system($dialog, "--title", __"module-assistant, package installation", "--yesno", __"Would you like to install the created module package(s) now?", 7, 60)) {
--- module-assistant-0.6.8/po/Makefile	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ module-assistant-0.6.8-new/po/Makefile	2004-09-10 14:02:11.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# Makefile for various po files.
+srcdir = .
+libdir = ../lib
+include PACKAGE
+#CATALOGS = $(addsuffix .po, LINGUAS)
+MO_FILES = $(addsuffix .mo, $(LINGUAS))
+MSGMERGE = msgmerge
+MSGFMT   = msgfmt
+XGETTEXT = xgettext
+default: help
+all: $(TEXTDOMAIN).pot update-po update-mo install
+	@echo "Available targets:"
+	@echo "  pot                       - remake master catalog"
+	@echo "  update-po                 - merge po files"
+	@echo "  update-mo                 - regenerate mo files"
+	@echo "  install                   - install mo files"
+	@echo "  all			   - all of the above"
+POTFILES = $(srcdir)/POTFILES.in \
+	$(shell cat $(srcdir)/POTFILES.in) 
+pot: $(TEXTDOMAIN).pot 
+	rm -f *~ *.bak *.mo
+# FIXME: The parameter --from-code is only needed if your sources contain
+# any 8 bit data (even in comments).  UTF-8 is only a guess here, but it
+# will at least accept any 8 bit data.
+# The parameter "--language=perl" is not strictly needed because the
+# source language of all our files will be auto-detected by xgettext
+# by their filename extension.  You should even avoid this parameter
+# if you want to extract strings from multiple source languages.
+	$(XGETTEXT) --output=$(srcdir)/$(TEXTDOMAIN).pox --from-code=utf-8 \
+		--add-comments=TRANSLATORS: --files-from=$(srcdir)/POTFILES.in \
+		--copyright-holder="$(COPYRIGHT_HOLDER)" \
+		--msgid-bugs-address="$(MSGID_BUGS_ADDRESS)" \
+		--keyword --keyword='$$__' --keyword=__ --keyword=__x \
+		--keyword=__n:1,2 --keyword=__nx:1,2 --keyword=__xn:1,2 \
+		--keyword=N__ --language=perl && \
+	rm -f $@ && mv $(TEXTDOMAIN).pox $@
+install: $(MO_FILES)
+	cd $(srcdir); \
+	targetdir='$(libdir)/LocaleData'; \
+	languages='$(LINGUAS)'; \
+	for lang in $$languages; do \
+		mkdir -p "$$targetdir/$$lang/LC_MESSAGES" || exit 1; \
+		dest="$$targetdir/$$lang/LC_MESSAGES/$(TEXTDOMAIN).mo"; \
+		cat="$$lang.mo"; \
+		echo "installing $$cat as $$dest"; \
+		cp -f $$cat $$dest && chmod 644 $$dest || exit 1; \
+	done
+update-mo: $(MO_FILES)
+	cd $(srcdir); \
+        catalogs='$(CATALOGS)'; \
+        for cat in $$catalogs; do \
+          cat=`basename $$cat`; \
+          lang=`echo $$cat | sed 's/\$(CATOBJEXT)$$//'`; \
+          mv $$lang.po $$lang.old.po; \
+          echo "$$lang:"; \
+          if $(MSGMERGE) $$lang.old.po $(TEXTDOMAIN).pot -o $$lang.po; then \
+            rm -f $$lang.old.po; \
+          else \
+            echo "msgmerge for $$cat failed!"; \
+            rm -f $$lang.po; \
+            mv $$lang.old.po $$lang.po; \
+          fi; \
+        done
+.SUFFIXES: .po .mo
+	$(MSGFMT) --check --statistics --verbose -o $@ $<
--- module-assistant-0.6.8/po/PACKAGE	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ module-assistant-0.6.8-new/po/PACKAGE	2004-09-10 14:15:08.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Makefile snippet that holds all package-dependent information.
+# Add more languages here!  Beware that this is a makefile snippet and
+# you have to adhere to make syntax.
+# Textdomain for our package.
+TEXTDOMAIN = module-assistant
+# Initial copyright holder added to pot and po files.
--- module-assistant-0.6.8/po/POTFILES.in	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ module-assistant-0.6.8-new/po/POTFILES.in	2004-09-10 14:14:43.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
--- module-assistant-0.6.8/po/module-assistant.pot	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ module-assistant-0.6.8-new/po/module-assistant.pot	2004-09-10 15:47:01.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,575 @@
+#    Translators, if you are not familiar with the PO format, gettext
+#    documentation is worth reading, especially sections dedicated to
+#    this format, e.g. by running:
+#         info -n '(gettext)PO Files'
+#         info -n '(gettext)Header Entry'
+#    Some information specific to po-debconf are available at
+#            /usr/share/doc/po-debconf/README-trans
+#         or http://www.debian.org/intl/l10n/po-debconf/README-trans
+#    Developers do not need to manually edit POT or PO files.
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-09-10 15:47+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: ../module-assistant:44
+msgid ""
+"  update-modules update\n"
+"  update-modules [options] COMMAND [ packages ]\n"
+"module-assistant is the toy to get debianized source of kernel modules,\n"
+"build module package from it and install them. The most frequently used\n"
+"command may be auto-install followed by alli argument.\n"
+"  update - refresh internal information about the packages\n"
+"  get - download/install the source (package) and unpack if needed\n"
+"  build - build the specified package(s)\n"
+"  list - print information about installed/available/compiled packages\n"
+"  install - install the generated binary modulse DEB package with dpkg\n"
+"  auto-install - the whole process, get & build & install (abbreviated: a-"
+"  prepare - install headers for the current kernel and set the linux "
+"  clean - quick clean of the source (eg. wiping the build directory)\n"
+"  purge - removes cached data and existing modules packages\n"
+"  la (alias for \"list all\"), li (= \"list all installed\"), search (= "
+"\"list -p\")\n"
+"Package arguments:\n"
+"  Source package name(s). If -src or -source is omited, name completion "
+"will \n"
+"  try to guess the package name. If 'all' the first argument, the list will "
+"  expanded to all packages. 'alli' will be expanded to \"all installed\".\n"
+" -h, --help        Print this help screen\n"
+" -v, --verbose     Be verbose, show full paths, etc.\n"
+" -q, --quiet       The oposite of verbose\n"
+" -n, --no-rebuild  Don't rebuild when any useable modules package for \n"
+"                   this kernel exists (even an old one)\n"
+" -i, --ignore-failures Don't stop on build failures\n"
+" -s, --apt-search  Search for installation candidates in the Debian archive\n"
+" -f, --force       Force to use the new versions even when old ones exist\n"
+" -u, --user-dir    Specifies a (writeable) replacement directory for /var&/"
+" -l, --kvers-list  List of kernel versions to work on (default: current "
+" -k, --kernel-dir  List of kernel headers/source directories, comma "
+"Lists in options are strings separated by commas, spaces or new lines.\n"
+"  m-a update ; m-a a-i nvidia ; echo Enjoy!\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:187 ../module-assistant:190
+msgid "module-assistant, error message"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:201
+#, perl-brace-format
+msgid "'{opt_userdir}' is not a directory!\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:202
+#, perl-brace-format
+msgid "'{opt_userdir}' is not writeable!\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:212
+msgid "Found sudo, will use it for apt-get and dpkg commands.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:216
+msgid ""
+"Warning: sudo not found. Automatical package installations not possible!\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:235
+msgid ""
+"Bad luck, the kernel headers for this kernel version could not be found\n"
+"and you did not specify other kernel headers to use.\n"
+"      "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:242
+#, perl-brace-format
+msgid ""
+"However, you can install the header files for your kernel which are "
+"by the kernel-headers-'{kvers}' package. For most modules packages,\n"
+"this files are perfectly sufficient without having the original kernel "
+"To install the package, run"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:247
+msgid ""
+" the PREPARE command from the main menu,\n"
+"or on the command line"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:247
+#, perl-brace-format
+msgid ""
+"module-assistant prepare\n"
+"apt-get install kernel-headers-'{kvers}'\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:261
+#, perl-brace-format
+msgid ""
+"If the running kernel has been shipped with the Debian distribution,\n"
+"please install the package kernel-headers-'{kvers}'. If your kernel\n"
+"source tree (or headers) is located in some non-usual location, please\n"
+"set the KERNELDIRS environment variable to the path of this directory,\n"
+"or (alternatively) specify the source directory we build for with the\n"
+"--kernel-dir option in module-assistant calls.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:305
+#, perl-brace-format
+msgid ""
+"| '{dialog}' --title \"Updating cached package data\" --gauge \"Reading apt-"
+"cache output...\" 7 75 0"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:311
+#, perl-brace-format
+msgid "Updating info about '{_}'\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:323
+#, perl-brace-format
+msgid ""
+"Updated infos about '{i}' package"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:332
+#, perl-brace-format
+msgid "Kernel headers available in '{source}'\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:340
+msgid "Creating symlink...\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:341 ../module-assistant:348
+msgid "Couldn't create the /usr/src/linux symlink!\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:351
+msgid "Installing packages needed for the build environment...\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:354
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:375
+#, perl-brace-format
+msgid "PROBE: '{_}'\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:378
+#, perl-brace-format
+msgid "GOT NAME: '{_}'\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:410
+#, perl-brace-format
+msgid "'{target}', what is '{target}'?\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:457
+msgid "$KPKG_DEST_DIR is not set and the target directory\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:458
+msgid ""
+" is not writeable for you!\n"
+"Your build will probably fail!\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:490
+#, perl-brace-format
+msgid "Recently built package '{lastdeb}' found, not rebuilding '{pkg}'\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:495
+#, perl-brace-format
+msgid "Target package file '{newdeb}' already exists, not rebuilding!\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:496
+msgid "(however, you could use the -f switch to ignore it)\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:518
+#, perl-brace-format
+msgid ""
+"| '{dialog}' --title \"Building '{pkg}', step '{step}'\" --gauge \"Build "
+"starting...\" 15 75 0"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:525
+#, perl-brace-format
+msgid ""
+"| '{dialog}' --title \"Building '{pkg}', step '{step}'\" --gauge \"'{_}'\" "
+"15 75 0"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:536
+#, perl-brace-format
+msgid ""
+"Done! Run\\nm-a install '{pkg}'\\nto install.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:548 ../module-assistant:970 ../module-assistant:1015
+msgid "module-assistant, interactive mode --menu "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:548
+#, perl-brace-format
+msgid ""
+"Build of the package '{pkg}' failed! How do you wish to proceed?\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:548
+msgid "Examine the build log file CONTINUE "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:548
+msgid "Skip and continue with the next operation STOP "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:548
+msgid "Stop processing the build commands 2>&1 >/dev/tty |"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:553 ../module-assistant:975
+msgid "Dialog command not working correctly!\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:556
+msgid "module-assistant, log file viewer"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:567
+#, perl-brace-format
+msgid ""
+"Build failed! See '{file}' for details!\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:570
+#, perl-brace-format
+msgid "Done with '{deb}' .\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:575
+msgid "Build failed. Press Return to continue...\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:597
+#, perl-brace-format
+msgid ""
+"Package '{pkg}' was not built successfully, see '{var}'/'{pkg}'*buildlog* "
+"for details!\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:599
+msgid "You maybe want to run \"auto-install\" instead of install.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:608
+msgid ""
+"I: Direct installation failed, trying to post-install the dependencies\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:632
+msgid ""
+"Warning, the cache is empty. You maybe wish to run\n"
+"the command \"module-assistant update\" first!\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:646
+#, perl-brace-format
+msgid "'{pkg}' (source package installed"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:648
+#, perl-brace-format
+msgid ""
+", not up-to-date, cur. version: '{curpkgvers}', available: '{avpkgvers}'"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:656
+#, perl-brace-format
+msgid "'{pkg}' (source package not installed):\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:688
+msgid ""
+"not found, possible candidate(s) installable with apt-get:\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:691
+msgid ""
+"package not found, but following is already installed:\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:697
+msgid "not found\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:702
+#, perl-brace-format
+msgid ""
+"  -- Binary package(s) for kernel(s):\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:703
+msgid "Some packages were not found"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:703
+msgid "One package could not be found"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:703
+msgid ". Use the \"search\" command to look in the pool.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:707
+msgid "  -- No binary packages found"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:708
+msgid " (use the \"search\" command to look in the pool)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:715
+msgid "No data? You maybe want to run \"module-assistant update\" first.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:794
+msgid ""
+"Experimental kernel source recreating method...\n"
+"Getting source...\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:797
+msgid "Config not found, getting headers to extract the config...\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:820
+#, perl-brace-format
+msgid ""
+"Faked kernel source for the Kernel '{kvers}'.\n"
+"Warning: the configuration may not match the running kernel.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:863 ../module-assistant:887
+#, perl-brace-format
+msgid "Warning, '{_}' seems to contain unconfigured kernel source!"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:866
+msgid "Warning, '{1}' doesn't have valid source, skipping!"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:894
+msgid "valid: "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:894
+msgid " extra: "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:900
+msgid ""
+"You are not root and no replacement directory (the -u option) is specified. "
+"Unable to continue."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:918 ../module-assistant:923 ../module-assistant:934
+#: ../module-assistant:940 ../module-assistant:945 ../module-assistant:949
+#: ../module-assistant:954
+msgid "No package specifies. STOP.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:953
+msgid ""
+"Do you really wish to remove all binary packages?\n"
+"If so, use the --force option.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:965
+msgid "Starting the Dialog UI...\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:970
+msgid ""
+"Welcome to the dialog frontend of module-assistant. This user interface "
+"provides access to the few commands of this program.\n"
+"If you wish to learn more, choose the OVERVIEW option.\n"
+"If you wish to look for existing module packages for your needs or wish to "
+"compile a new one from source, choose them in the SELECT dialog an continue "
+"with possible commands.\n"
+" 20 65 5 OVERVIEW "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:970
+msgid "Show all possible command line commands UPDATE "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:970
+msgid "Update the cached package information PREPARE "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:970
+msgid "Configure the system to compile modules SELECT "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:970
+msgid "Select the module/source packages to work on EXIT "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:970
+msgid "Exit the program 2>&1 >/dev/tty |"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:981
+msgid "module-assistant, command overview"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:989
+msgid ""
+"Press Return to continue..."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:998
+msgid "module-assistant, package selection --checklist "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:998
+msgid ""
+"Please select the interesting module (source) packages\n"
+"Use Cursor keys to browse, Space to select and Return to continue.\n"
+"Cancel to return to the main menu. 21 70 10"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:1015
+msgid ""
+"You have selected the following packages:\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:1017
+msgid ""
+"Choose one of the following commands to proceed or Cancel to return to the "
+"selection menu.\n"
+" 18 65 6 LIST "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:1017
+msgid "List installed (binary) packages"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:1017
+msgid "List and search with apt-cache GET "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:1017
+msgid "Get or update the source package BUILD "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:1017
+msgid "Compiles module packages for the current kernel INSTALL "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:1017
+msgid "Installs the packages for the current kernel BACK "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:1017
+msgid "Returns to the module selection 2>&1 >/dev/tty |"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:1032
+msgid "module-assistant, present packages"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:1044
+msgid "module-assistant, source installation"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:1044
+msgid ""
+"Some source packages seem not to be installed. Would you like to install or "
+"upgrade selected source packages now?"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:1049
+msgid ""
+"The build was not successful! See /var/cache/modass/*buildlog* for more "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:1051
+msgid "module-assistant, package installation"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../module-assistant:1051
+msgid "Would you like to install the created module package(s) now?"
+msgstr ""

Reply to: