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Bug#160529: ASK for Debian


I want to have this program (ASK) in Debian. Three people have expressed
interest on maintaining the package:

- Marco Paganini <paganini@paganini.net> (debian/ dir upstream maintainer)
- martin f krafft <madduck@debian.org> (ITPed)
- Larry Gilbert <larry@l2g.to> (re-ITPed)

I'm CCing all of you. Which of you is going to maintain it? For those
not being Debian members I offer to sponsor the package if necessary.


Robert Millan

"[..] but the delight and pride of Aule is in the deed of making, and in the
thing made, and neither in possession nor in his own mastery; wherefore he
gives and hoards not, and is free from care, passing ever on to some new work."

 -- J.R.R.T, Ainulindale (Silmarillion)

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