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Bug#86242: I'll adopt upsd, packaged new upstream release 2.6, fixed bug #188282

> >How is it compared to Network UPS Tools,
> ><URL:http://www.exploits.org/nut/>?  Will it support more UPSes?
> I haven't used Network UPS Tools yet, so I can't compared it to
> upsd. BTW the new maintaner of upsd will be Nick Estes.

NUT is a much larger system than what upsd is meant to do.

Basically, if you are resource limited, or just need something simple to
use init's powerfail events then upsd might be what you're looking for.
If you want a full featured setup with integration into other monitoring
tools, web interfaces, etc then go with NUT, it does everything you need.

Hope that helps, if you have any other questions, feel free to e-mail me


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