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Bug#129699: ITP: race -- A 3D arcade overhead car game.

On Fri, 18 Jan 2002, Guus Sliepen wrote:

> Good point, I'll do this for race, trophy and maybe crawl and omega-rpg
> as well.
If I should resend you my preliminary stuff for race please tell me soon
(because I'm leaving for week end in some hours and do not have access
to my mailbox).  My trophy stuff which implements this can be found at
... but I've seen you just found it and used the icons :).  I want to
add that I wanted to use a
    convert debian/trophy.xpm `pwd`/debian/trophy/usr/share/pixmaps/trophy.png
to have a png file in /usr/share/pixmaps which is more compact.  Unfortunately
the build stuff does not support binary diffs and so the image has to be
included as xpm in the source.

> I too am no lawyer, so I'm not going to put effort in this. Besides, the
> music is not my taste :).
I personally do not care about music and I have to admit that I mostly
switch it off (by software or by just removing the power connector of
the speakers ;-).  But it was just an idea for those who might like it ...
It wouldn't be a real problem for me if there wouldn't be any sound.

> Hm well the clanlib packagers don't think it's necessary...
So it is OK for me.  He is the real expert ;-).

> > Thanks for your effort, Guus.  I suggest to include Race into
> > Debian-Jr.
> Ok, if there is anything special that needs to be done for Debian-Jr,
> please tell me.
Just announcing this new game at Debian-Junior (I would just care about
it , because I'm subscribed to the list).

Perhaps we build a further package junior-race?

> (After hearing the soundtrack I think it wouldn't be
> suitable for Debian-Jr anyway.)
Well than it would go this way:


      Depends: trophy, race
      Suggests: tuxracer      ## only suggets, because it needs 3D support
      Conflicts: race-sound   ## if there would really be a race-sound

Or something like that.  But as I said:  I would not really care for
the sound if you ask me.

Kind regards


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