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Bug#149969: ITP version 0.8

  I'm currently working on the Java-GNOME project. We are busy preparing
version 0.8, which will be the first version supporting gnome/gtk2. This
is a complete rewrite of the bindings, and a slight change of philosophy
- the aim is to produce a java framework for creating gtk/gnome
applications; rather than simply copy the methods to java, we intend to
create a framework which is easier to use and follows the Java style.

As already pointed out, this will be the only truly free gui system for
java. It runs perfectly with gcj and can even be used to create native

I am not yet a Debian developer, but am in the NM queue. Once Java-Gnome
version 0.8 is released, I will start work on Debian packages for it. I
do not think there is any benefit in creating packages for java-gnome

| Mark Howard               cam.ac.uk   mh344@ |
| http://www.tildemh.com    tildemh.com    mh@ |

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