Bug#89433: I want to adopt osh
Hi, all.
In <[🔎] 20020119104541.40ca3e12.dancer@netfort.gr.jp>,
on Sat, 19 Jan 2002 10:45:41 +0900,
Junichi Uekawa <dancer@netfort.gr.jp> wrote:
> Oohara Yuuma <oohara@libra.interq.or.jp> cum veritate scripsit:
> > debuild -e DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="debug,nostrip"
> >
> > and it worked. I can't see why this is syntactically incorrect.
> I was saying that
> "DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="debug,nostrip" && debuild"
> is syntactically incorrect, and it looks bad to have it in debian/rules.
> I think all it does is set DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="...", unset,
> and then run debuild.
> But that is talking about shell.
??? I can't understand why you insist on here, dancer.
Oohara already explained his intent:
In <[🔎] 20020118.114442.74747472.oohara@grain>,
on Fri, 18 Jan 2002 11:44:42 +0900 (JST),
on Re: Bug#89433: I want to adopt osh,
Oohara Yuuma <oohara@libra.interq.or.jp> wrote:
> debian/rules says:
> | # to compile with debugging information:
> | # $ debuild -e DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="debug,nostrip"
> | # (this won't work:
> | # DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="debug,nostrip" && debuild)
> Note the word "won't".
So, maybe he can improve his comment, as something like:
# to compile with debugging information:
# $ debuild -e DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="debug,nostrip"
# Note: you can't do it by
# DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="debug,nostrip" && debuild
# because it won't work. Shell variables are not
# succeeded to sub-process.
But it seems to me that you repeated to say the same thing
in his comment.
Can you please explain me what I'm missing ?
Taketoshi Sano: <sano@debian.org>,<sano@debian.or.jp>,<kgh12351@nifty.ne.jp>
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