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Bug#105247: ITP: swatch -- log file viewer with regexp matching, highlighting, and hooks

Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

From the manpage:
   Swatch is designed to monitor system activity. In order for Swatch to
   be useful, it requires a configuration file which contains pattern(s)
   to look for and action(s) to perform when each pattern is found.

These actions can include displaying the line in different colours, with
various attributes (reverse video, underlining, etc), or executing arbitrary
programs.  It uses perl regular expressions to match lines, which makes it
particularly powerful and intuitive for people already familiar with perl
regular expressions.

URL: <http://www.oit.ucsb.edu/~eta/swatch>
License: GPL

Rene Weber

+---           (Rene Weber is <rene_autoreply@elvenlord.com>)          ---+
|     "For Force's sake, Darth, blow your damn nose"     -- Mrs Vader     |
+---  E-Mail Policy & web page: <http://satori.home.dhs.org/~rweber/>  ---+

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