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Bug#96890: lmbench is not GPL

I'm looking at lmbench-2beta3. I guess you refer to the file
COPYING-2 which reads:

The set of programs and documentation known as "lmbench" are distributed
under the Free Software Foundation's General Public License with the
following additional restrictions (which override any conflicting
restrictions in the GPL):

1. You may not distribute results in any public forum, in any publication,
   or in any other way if you have modified the benchmarks.  

2. You may not distribute the results for a fee of any kind.  This includes
   web sites which generate revenue from advertising.

If you have modifications or enhancements that you wish included in
future versions, please mail those to me, Larry McVoy, at lm@bitmover.com.

Your "severe limitation" seems to be the prohibition to publish
results FROM A MODIFIED VERSION of the benchmarks. Well, that's
actually in the nature of a benchmark - if you can tweak it,
then any results are useless. About the same as altering the text of a RFC
and distributing it. 

Cheers, Roderich
      "Thou shalt not follow the NULL pointer 
       for chaos and madness await thee at its end."

Roderich Schupp 		mailto:rsch@ExperTeam.de
ExperTeam GmbH			http://www.experteam.de/
Munich, Germany

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