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Bug#961205: winetricks: cannot isntall font the download of PowerPointViwer.exe hans with server down

OK we can use the old url that still works.

I would recommend to install the official microsoft Powerpoint viewer
using wine.
And then winetricks would find it in the installed wine folder.

Maybe winetricks will need changes.


Why is it not possible?

For licensing it is better not to ship the exe as part of the debian


lör 2020-05-23 klockan 15:18 +0200 skrev Bernhard Übelacker:
> Dear Maintainer,
> if a targetted fix for buster would be desired, following
> upstream commits seem to be the last changes to the
> download URL in question.
>   https://github.com/Winetricks/winetricks/commit/ac51cdb pptfonts:
> use a helper function
>   https://github.com/Winetricks/winetricks/commit/76f5fdf calibri,
> cambria, candara, consolas, constantia, corbel, meiryo: update URL
> Upstream issue:
>   https://github.com/Winetricks/winetricks/issues/1540
> The version 0.0+20200412-1 in unstable seems to be affected too.
> Kind regards,
> Bernhard

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